
Responses from plato

Pain in my butt
Chronic back pain can be distressing and can diminish quality of life as you have found. Speaking plainly, it sucks and my heart goes out to you and all those individuals (and their caregivers) who must live in near-constant pain.My wife had an au... 
Can I
In many cases, tube amplifiers can be driven into clipping without damaging speakers like their solid-state counterparts often do. Plus, the Maggie tweeter is fused, so I wouldn't worry about it -- especially since you are using good judgement in ... 
Help Total Confusion
I have a wide low Plateau rack between my speakers and it works very well. My ESL panels extend up a lot higher than the rack, which probably helps, and I also use a room lens, but behind my rack instead of in front, which works great to focus the... 
Gershman's "Cameleon": Any Owners?? Help??
I heard the speakers sound very good indeed at the Stereophile show in NYC this year and almost bought a pair. But then I heard some things I didn't like about the company (from a non-Gershman dealer) which didn't sit well with me, so I decided to... 
Tweaks & How My System Disappeared
Bluenose, thanks for the "lingo" lesson. I hate being out of the loop. :) 
Tweaks & How My System Disappeared
JD, it's nice to realize that I'm not the only person so afflicted by this complicated hobby and its attendant ongoing tweaking. I think it's safe to say that those who have taken it to the level you have are in the minority of a small niche group... 
Review: Magnepan MG-12qr Speaker
The 12QRs let the music flow. By comparison, similarly priced speakers tend to sound crude, almost "mechanical". I replaced a set of B&W CDM 9NT speakers with the MG12s plus a subwoofer, and though the B&Ws were very good speakers in their... 
Martin Logan with 7 foot ceiling?
The speakers should work fine with a 7 foot ceiling since the high frequencies are beamed in the vertical plane and should not reflect off the ceiling unless the speaker panels are tilted back (aimed upward). As far as the match with the Bryston g... 
Sonic Relativism?
Having been in this hobby for 3+ decades, my feeling is that there are many instances where perceived differences in gear are imagined; and when not imagined they are overblown in importance ( for example: a less than 1% actual improvement in a gi... 
Stereophile "confirms" Moncrieff's SACD comments ?
I always thought that some of the SACDs that I've heard did not sound natural in the high frequencies. The above disclosure in Stereophile may explain why. I never bought into the format and now I'm glad I waited. With upsampling, I get decent per... 
Design an entire system for $800? ?
I think TWL offers a great solution. Even the guy who started the thread is passing the buck to us to help his cheap friend. I love it.Another viable solution might be to purchase broken equipment that looks impressive to provide the illusion of a... 
Technically, what causes "laid-back" or "up-front"
Laid back = a shallow broad dip in the midrange frequency response; whereas "up front" would indicate a broad peak in the midrange response. Even a mild rise or dip would be audible and manifested in the way you noted. Room reflections and cancell... 
What is the deal with the ART DIO
Really, Celtic66, the Hermes beat the DIO hands down -- that's interesting. I'd like to hear one do that in my system and if it truly beats the DIO, heck, I'd buy one.Anyone have a Hermes in the central NJ area that would like to do a shoot out? E... 
What is the deal with the ART DIO
I think the problem with the DIO question is that none of us are comparing apples to apples. We have some folks with stock units and others with DIOs in varying stages of modification. Of those that are modified (mine included) probably no two hav... 
What is the deal with the ART DIO
Just curious Sean -- did you take any steps to optimize the sound of the DIO -- such as trying different digital cables or experimenting with chassis resonance issues on the DIO and its power supply? Or did you just pop it in a system that was alr...