
Responses from phild

Help With My Next Upgrade Please
You might want to look into the Sony DVP9000ES. I don't have one and have never heard one, but I've heard that they're well made...regular CD playback is very's a DVP player (so it will play DAD audio)...and it plays SACD too. I think th... - anybody have exp.?
I purchased S-video and composite video cables from them. They're well made, but I haven't spent any time comparing their picture quality to other brands (my TV isn't really good enough to compare fine details). 
HiFi is an opinion - nothing more
Larry does have a point about people preferring different "realitites"...that's all true. Besides that, I don't think many audiophiles realize that much of the sound is determined before it ever reaches their stereo. I do some engineering, and the... 
Rock and Roll Snobbery
Hey Ben...unfortunately, over-compression is unbelievably common thse days. The artists don't really (usually) have much say in the matter. The lables want their releases to be as loud as possible to make them "stand out" from other releases (and ... 
Audiophile portable CD an oxymoron?
The Headroom headphone amp company recommends one of the cheaper Panasonic models (check their website for more info). They said they tested most models and found it to be the best sounding. I don't think any are considered to be "audiophile" qual... 
Isolation for turntables
I don't know if this is possible in your particular situation, but I bought a wall mounted audio shelf. I had the same problem, and now it never ever skips. It's not very fancy, but it does the trick. It's a steel frame (black) with a black plank ... 
Revox E-426 CD player ?? Any users?
I've been using an old Studer 727 and Revox B226 and both are very good (for late 80s technology). I haven't heard the E-426. I'm sure the new CD players are very good, but they might not be the best in that particular price range. I would definit... 
Best Customer Service (Manufacturer)
I have had great experiences with Pass Labs, Bel Canto, and Merlin. 
Pass did sell the technology to volksamp...they are also making the amplifiers for Volksamp. Check out think they had some info on their site. The 30s do offer balanced inputs, a conventional chassis, and the power switch on t... 
Counterpoint SA 220,Comments anybody?
I have an SA100 and I think it's people have mentioned above. The upgrade is easily worth the money, because it is a complete rebuild, using the original chassis and replacing the inside with very high quality parts. I've thought about ... 
SACD vs. DVD-A and Audio DVDs
I only have 3 Classic DADs, but they do sound better than the originals. More subtle details, and they're mastered much better...I actually get to use my volume knob! I think that's their big advantage. Most modern CDs are mastered too loud, and t... 
Why is amp toroid humming?
I have high voltage and also had an amp hum. You can check the voltage with a radio shack voltmeter. You might also check to see if it's a ground hum coming from your Cable TV (if that's hooked to your system in any way). If those aren't the probl... 
Best upgrade for the money ?
I'd say that your speakers may be the weak link (depending on the model). There are a pair of used Meadowlark Kestrels for sale. Some thing like that might be a good upgrade. 
47 Labs GAINCARD, does it live up to the hype?
By the way...with my particular set-up, I thought the amp sounded best with the Gaincard gain set to maximum. Even one notch down changed the sound for the worse. This meant that I couldn't really listen at lower levels. I'm assuming this is due t... 
47 Labs GAINCARD, does it live up to the hype?
I think it lives up to the hype. I borrowed a store demo for a week and used it happily with Merlin VSM-SE, Pass Aleph P preamp, Studer CD, and Cardas Golden Cross (which were actually heavier than the amp body, and could easily pull it off the sh...