
Responses from phd

What is your preference, Records or CDs?
Thanks each one of you for your thoughts and comments so far. I think most of us recognize that LPs and CDs have their own unique sound but I tend to think that records are more fun because its more hands on.Hodu, I agree that U2 is a great bunch ... 
Is the Eico HF 81 really that good?
Yes, it really is that good. Its basic design was conceived during a time that tubes ruled and provided a very good foundation for superb sound but many of it's older parts need to be upgraded to realize its full potential. 
Class A Watts
Bombaywalla, you know what is, watt for watt tube amps appear to have more power and it could be due to the fact that tube amps clip more softly. Are you buying this? 
Class A Watts
A watt is a watt unless you are comparing ss watts to tubes watts. Although many people feel that Class A amps sound tubish and it might hold some water but honestly I think they have their own particular sound and would definately give a favorabl... 
Kevin gets the
Bryoncunningham, what an elequent way of stating your point of view, well said. I have reread your post and believe you have offered a reasonable and acceptable answer to Kevin's eccentricity which seems to appear at random with some callers. Than... 
Kevin gets the
At upscale, where is that nice polite lady that sometimes answers the phone. Maybe Kevin should let her handle the phone calls and he could spend his time in the back room packing and shipping and or screwing tubes in the tube tester for the purpo... 
Kevin gets the
In my opinion Kevin can be a bit arrogant and at times acts like he is talking down to you rather then to you but that attitude should fit right in with some audiophiles because they are not operating much different. This again is my opinion and I... 
Which adcom sounds best?
I'm happy to say that the Adcoms were my first venture into separates and after hearing most all of them I can easily recommend the GFA-555 MKII as being the better sounding amp overall. 
Why do some audiophiles beat up McIntosh?
Etbaby has made a very good point about Mcintosh gear, which I have found to be true myself, that sound quality varies from one unit to the next. This could explain the vast differences of opinions about Mac. Overall I think McIntosh gear is cool ... 
Sneaky new internet tax pushing through fast
Consider this, to impliment taxes on internet goods levels the playing field for the guys that own brick and mortar stores, because they are required to charge a sales tax. Alot of times folks go into a store to see what they want then leave and p... 
Could they sell a high-end amp without the fancy
If it fell out of an ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down, some, not all wouldn't care as long as it sounds fantastic. Others, the looks brings you in and the sound captures you. 
Does the volume control effect sound quality?
Atmasphere, I was trying to understand your post and if I read you correctly, are you saying that the circuit has to be engineered to accept and maximize sound quality for any particular type of volume pot?There are some audio engineers that think... 
Preamp - 18 dB Gain too low?
Some amps have high input gain because they are designed to be used with passive preamps which have no gain at all. I can tell you that CJ amps need a preamp with relatively high gain to properly drive them. 18db of gain is higher than average. I ... 
Reason for selling is...
Most of us have been sellers from time to time and I buy to try. It is not necessary to list the reason for the sale, it only diminshes your credibility because first nobody cares, second the piece should sell based on its own merit and finally if... 
D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ?
I want one!