
Responses from phd

Best Cheap Amps for Magneplanar Speakers
Well Randyseven elleven, you misspelled my user name, it's phd. Anyway please define trolling, we can go from there. 
Best Cheap Amps for Magneplanar Speakers
Yea Randy 11, you start a thread and don't even tell everyone what cheap amp you wound up with, whats the deal there? 
The awful truth about CDs, do they have the same shelve life as LP's ?
randy11, this is the first time you offered an intelligent answer, congradulations on that. Basically you are calling Paul Mcgowan dumb because this is his statement.  
The awful truth about CDs, do they have the same shelve life as LP's ?
gocubs999, thorough research is exactly what I'm looking for. I'm starting to feel better already about my CDs. Who in the hell brought up this subject matter anyway/ 
The awful truth about CDs, do they have the same shelve life as LP's ?
randy11, you sound like a broken record 
The awful truth about CDs, do they have the same shelve life as LP's ?
tomcy6, I'm not spreading any legend but this was a statement from Paul Mcgowan,and it is quite possible that he knows more than you.. 
Is it too bright or is it high resolution?
Good point but can someone explain what accounts for distortion in the treble region on some systems? 
Agoners: Need Advice! Have 3K to spend on an Amp, what do I do with no way to audition?
When you narrow your search down to a couple of amps it would be great if you could afford to do a side by side comparison of these amps in your system. I find it difficult to try one amp at a time and then move on to another and then go by memory... 
Is it too bright or is it high resolution?
audioconnection, not at first because I was unaware that the CJ preamp inverts phase. But I did recently invert the polarity to the speakers and it now does sound different on most CDs. Thanks for your question. 
Is it too bright or is it high resolution?
stringgreen, you are more receptive to this question as opposed to the other thread, are you ok? No, I tried wearing sunglasses but unfortunately they did nothing to calm the high frequences but thanks for your input 
Is it too bright or is it high resolution?
soix & gregkohanmim that's about  the funniest posts I have read yet on Audiogon, hilarious. What is even more compelling is that there seems to be some glimmer of truth to it. 
High End Amp Price Collapse musings
Like computers Class D amps are still evolving. A guys walks into a computer store for a possible purchase. He finally tells the clerk that he has decided to wait till computers improve in the near future. The clerk responds, then you will never o... 
When and how did you, if at all, realize vinyl is better?
A good recording on vinyl, played on a decent table, does produce a bigger sound stage and is just more enjoyable to listen to then a CD less the occasional pops. 
Is it too bright or is it high resolution?
theo, thank you for your thoughts on this subject matter, in fact I thank you all. You might be right, my listening habits have changed. Everytime I have revisted gear I remembered liking in the past has proven to be a disappointment, as this hobb... 
Is it too bright or is it high resolution?
Jafant, thank you for saying that. I don't the luxury of having a group of audiophiles on standby when i play the next CD but what I do have is some experience and I'm going to trust my ears.