
Responses from peter_s

Any "Deadhead" audiophiles out there to help
I don't know if your living space can accomodate, but Vandersteen 2CE signatures and Vandersteen subs together can be quite satisfying and not too hard to drive. You need to be able to pull the speakers away from the wall by a couple of feet thoug... 
What did you get for Christmas?
Great amp atomickid - should bring much enjoyment. 
Dac suggestions to pair with Squeezebox Touch
The Schiit Bifrost looks really good. They make excellent product - I've heard their Lyr headphone amp. I imagine this DAC is going to be really good. Crooner, let us know what you think of it (and how it compares to others, if you've tried others). 
Connecting speakers to two separate integrated amp
How does your peachtree sound on the proacs?If the peachtree doesn't have a ht passthrough, just choose a volume level you will always set it on for ht (eg 12:00) and run the lr front out into an analog in on your peachtree. 
Any "Deadhead" audiophiles out there to help
You've got more speakers there than I can conceive of!!!!I assume that you are using your Pioneer 7-ch AV receiver to run some of them, and that you want to continue to do so (zoned music system) - so I wouldn't recommend getting rid of your recei... 
Jitter Of New Mac Mini Optical Line Out Improved?
If true, that is really cool! I just bought a new mac mini and I have a really good glass cable, but I didn't think I'd be able to use that pathway. Maybe I will though!!! Where did you read that? 
Amp help with a B.E.L. 1001 Mk.II
What a score! I think the BEL is a very nice sounding amp. What is your budget for a preamp? Get a tubed preamp. 
Too many DAC decisions
I too am at a transition points with the new DACs, and not sure where to invest money. Another question is related to the Empirical Audio stuff. Is it more cost effective to buy an Offramp and put it in front of a good DAC, or to buy a much more e... 
Need Some DAC + Headphone Advice
Per Marco's response, I have heard the Lyrr headphone amp with a music streamer 2+ sound wonderful together, and not too pricey. 
How's this for synergy? of events
And what do you think about your new speakers? 
Your Worst WAF Incident
I did the same thing with my fridge. Had to wheel the garbage can in the house and empty the whole freezer! It was taken in stride... 
Best Solid State Amp w/ Avalon Eidolon Diamonds
KWB - I imagine that it will make a good combo, but I was looking for solid state amp suggestions. Thanks, Peter 
How's this for synergy? of events
Beautiful area. Love Monterey and the Adagios. I'm up in Washington State. Figured you weren't on the east coast! 
How's this for synergy? of events
What coastal region do you live in? 
Mac Mini 2011 with Lion or 2010 with Snow Leopard
I just realized that the 2011 mac mini doesn't have an optical drive. How do people intend to rip CD's with it????