
Responses from peter_s

Best Solid State Amp w/ Avalon Eidolon Diamonds
By the way, I have to admit, I'm kind of hoping that there are SS amps out there that are: 1) better than the Omegas with the Avalongs, 2) cheaper than the Omegas, so I can make up part of the money I spent to upgrade from Indras to the Diamonds, ... 
Parasound JC2/ Aesthetix Calypso/Ayre K-5xe - Help
Start with your speakers choice, then your amplifier, then your preamplifier. I've had two of the amps you mentions, the V-5XE and the JC-1. My opinion of the JC-1 differs from many - I found it to be fairly low resolution, somewhat dull to listen... 
Top 10 Snafus to avoid when building a good rig
Convincing yourself that a particular component is going to be the holy grail, thus justifying spending more money on it than it is really worth or can be resold at. 
DIY HD Tracks from mint LPs?
You'll need a good ADC (analog to digital converter) - either USB or firewire. Then some basic audio editing software (Audisy?) to break up the recorded record side into tracks. And you'll want to add tags to the tracks, if you store the files in ... 
Tube Monoblocks w/- balanced inputs?
I used VTL 450's to drive 20.1's, and I felt that I needed two pairs to biamp to make them sing. I don't know about 3.6's. VTL 750's would be great, if set up with true balanced inputs. 
PerfectWave DAC / Zodiac Gold Shootout Round 1
Interesting. Keep us informed! 
High pitched buzz caused by Squeezebox Touch?
What amplifier are you using? I was getting a high pitched whine from my Touch when within several feet of an EL84 amplifier. No problem with a solid state amplifier. I switched power supply to CIA stand-alone unit with no effect on the RF issue. ... 
Review: Acoustic Zen Adagio Speaker
I've heard these speakers at a couple of shows, too - and I think they are really good. Perhaps a tad laid back... musical... my taste leans that way. I don't know about what amplification is best for them. Dogmcd - do you use a DAC with your sque... 
Amp to drive Dynaudio C-1
C-1's are great, and I have heard them sound tremendously impressive with Gamut mono blocks. If I had C-1's, that's where I would go. 
Subsonic music streaming app
Sounds cool. You might want to consider getting one of those inexpensive re clockers for b/t your i-20 and your DAC. I'm not recalling the brand name, but you can get them used for redbook resolution for not very much $$$. 
Has anyone experimented with switching the Havana
Sorry - I must be confused. I thought the original DAC comes with PCM56P-K chips... When I have a chance, I'll have to open mine up to see what is in it. 
Has anyone experimented with switching the Havana
No - that's not what I'm asking! Which chips did you put in the unit??? :-) 
Has anyone experimented with switching the Havana
What did you switch out the chips for? 
Any of my existing amps work on Quad ESL-57's
Russell and Terry - thanks for you good input. I've read that the Rogue is a good match, so I'll wait until one shows up. The speakers do have the snubbers installed on them. In fact, the previous owner did push them too hard and stressed the diod... 
Where does one get such a plinth?