
Responses from peter_s

Mac Mini 2011 with Lion or 2010 with Snow Leopard
Hmmmm - I don't know what DAC I'll ultimately use. I may also use an off-ramp. Has anyone done the research and can say which popular DACs use and don't use the integer mode (including the offramp). 
What amps use the KT120 tubes?
CAT originally sold their JC-2 with 6550's, but now with KT120's. 
Ohm Micro Walsh Talls spkrs vs Totem Arro or Hawk?
I've got the micro talls and enjoy them very much. Largely because as Omni's, they can be enjoyed from anywhere in the room. They have a decent tonal balance. I have them on the diaganol in a room, and I have a chair "behind" them in the corner. I... 
Mac Mini 2011 with Lion or 2010 with Snow Leopard
How important is integer mode? Which programs use it? 
Best Tube/SS Amps for Harbeth 7ES-3
Quick survey of C7 users, using a variety of amps: Do you feel that Harbeths "rock". And if so, what amplification is best to help them along on that goal? Thanks... 
Mac Mini 2011 with Lion or 2010 with Snow Leopard
I'm interested in this question too. About to purchase a new mac mini. Let me know what you find out. Sorry I have nothing to add to the discussion.Thanks, Peter 
Integrated Amps with a Headphone Input
See my comment on the Portal Panache. Also the Leben has a really good internal headphone amp. Research those two, and see if they will work with the speakers and headphones you are using. Try the Headfi forum to look at headphone compatability. 
Budget Speakers for a small living room
Keep aware of amplification!!! I think trying the Pioneer speakers is a great idea. Andrew Jones is a great designer, as evidenced by the TAD speakers. However, these are pretty low efficiency. You will need a decent amplifier, not a 15 watt digit... 
Best Solid State Amp w/ Avalon Eidolon Diamonds
Glai - thanks for your detailed advice/information. My second system is going to be Quad57's and whatever (inexpensive) amp I find that drives them well. But back to the Diamonds: I still don't know how my Classe Omegas are going to sound. Perhaps... 
Integrated Amps with a Headphone Input
I didn't know that the M30's were easy to drive. I'm only experienced with the compact 7's - great speakers - I hear they like mid-higher powered solid state, although others have used tubes. The Portal Panache is a wonderful integrated, sometimes... 
Integrated Amps with a Headphone Input
What speakers are you trying to have it also drive? 
Best Solid State Amp w/ Avalon Eidolon Diamonds
Stringreen - which Ayre amps are you referring to? Also, why are the anticables reference interconnects not intended for monoblocks? 
Best Solid State Amp w/ Avalon Eidolon Diamonds
Cpcorreia - I read that the newer spectral models also allow you to use other preamps. Can you still get the same level of performance using a mixed combo? Which Spectral individual amps or amp/preamp pairings should be considered? I'm hearing goo... 
Best Solid State Amp w/ Avalon Eidolon Diamonds
The Indras are great speakers. A bit light on bass - so I purchased a JL Audio 113 subwoofer. But I've always wanted the Diamonds. They are just slightly more refined, and if my memory serves me right, I recall slightly better imaging (which is al... 
Best Solid State Amp w/ Avalon Eidolon Diamonds
I always perceived Boulder as hyper-detailed. Maybe it was just the demos at the shows. I definitely fall more along the line of musical above detailed. Do I have a mis-impression of Boulder?