
Responses from peter_s

Streaming music comparisons and quality
I don't believe that MOG has any significant uphand on Spotify. I did a little research on the web. Anybody know for sure differently?Here is the response I got from Spotify regarding higher resolution files:The majority of tracks in Spotify are o... 
Streaming music comparisons and quality
If you're using mainly mobile, MOG is an extra $5/month from Spotify's $5/month. I don't think Spotify broadcasts @320 to mobile. 
Streaming music comparisons and quality
How would you all compare MOG to Spotify? I've been very impressed with Spotify's catalog, and at premium level, they stream at 320... 
Audioquest Dragonfly
I am very impressed with it with Sennheiser HD580 headphones. It drives them really well (good synergy) - so an added bonus could be headphone capability. If you are using it in a fixed location, my gut feeling is that you could spend an extra hun... 
Do I really need a Dac?
I think you should get a Schidt Bitfrost from Audio Advisor and audition it for 30 days. You can return it for free, and it's a very good DAC at the $400 level. 
Audio Research Ref 250s for Magnepan 20.1s?
If you like EL34's, you might consider Wolcott 220's. VTL 750's would be great with the Maggies - the older models are more affordable. 
Window acoustic treatment...
Rrog has a good idea. First, get some decent looking flat curtains and mount them up against the glass. Then, go to your local insulation distributor and buy (or special order) 12" or 16" or 10" pressed fiberglass pipe insulation sleeves. Bring th... 
Any other AQ Dragonfly Early Adopters out there?
Great if you can use your internal disk instead of external. The Dragonfly manual recommends using a different Bus if you are going to attach an external HD. Specifically, use a firewire for your HD and USB for your DAC. 
Gallo Reference 3.5 Speakers. Now Looking For Amp
How about the Sanders Magtech? I bet that would deliver them gobbs of current... 
Best speakers for a Leak Stereo 20 tube amp
I've heard it sound very good on Klipsch Fortes. I've also heard that the preamp isn't that special sounding. Try a different preamp... 
audiophilleo 2
I'm curious how it compares to an Offramp5, stock or improved. Any one have any first hand knowledge? 
Quietest fan for room
Put your amps in a different room! Or get a summer pair of amplifiers. Or drink iced gin and tonics. 
Where do you go after a Dynaudio C1 ?
My experience with the G1 had them sounding just as you are looking for. What amplification are you using? I heard them with GamuT monoblocks in a small-medium room that had concrete walls (good bass) and some treatment to tame reflections. I was ... 
Bias CAT JL2 + Tube swap 6550C = KT120
They can take the KT120's, per my recent conversation with Ken. Not cheap. I think it should be 30, and that 29 to 31 is no problem. I don't know about biasing the tubes to zero. If you contact me - same user name on audiocircle, I can give you mo... 
Hearing Tests
My hearing is pretty flat up to 10khz and then falls drastically upwards. I can't hear 12khz at all. Would have never guessed that. Lower frequencies are also impaired. I figure my Sennheiser 580's can reach the extremes.