
Responses from peter_s

DSpeaker Anti Mode Dual Core 2.0 Room Correction
I have a 12v car starter, which is essentially a rechargeable battery with both battery leads and a cigarette lighter output. It can be used for an audio power supply - and recharged between uses. I will try that out. I've been in touch with Toni ... 
DSpeaker Anti Mode Dual Core 2.0 Room Correction
I see what you are saying. Yes, if you want to use the volume control of the preamp and its output stage into the amp, insert the unit in the tape loop. 
DSpeaker Anti Mode Dual Core 2.0 Room Correction
BTW - has anyone found any good information about using a better 12v power supply with this unit? I'd like to find a reasonably priced source... Thanks. 
DSpeaker Anti Mode Dual Core 2.0 Room Correction
You can't use it as a DAC between the pre and the amp. If you want to use it as a DAC, you either do so upstream of the pre (as an input into the pre) or you hook it up directly to the amps, and then you are using it as a DAC+PRE.Are you talking a... 
DSpeaker Anti Mode Dual Core 2.0 Room Correction
No, you're not bypassing the volume control. And the bypass function is so easy to control from the remote (rather than getting up to change the tape loop setting) that it seems to be the way to go (b/t preamp and amp).I wrote to the manufacturer ... 
DSpeaker Anti Mode Dual Core 2.0 Room Correction
I've only played it for a couple hours, not broken in or anything (does it need break in???). It is playing in analog mode b/t my preamp and amps. What I notice so far is that it really cleans up the bass - not as muddy or resonant. That is nice. ... 
Were any of you taping concerts circa 1972-88?
Butterking - once I joined forces with my friend, we did all the taping on his Nak. He had the masters, I the first generations. But I mostly listen to livemusicarchive for shows thesedays. I gave away many of my tapes. 
DSpeaker Anti Mode Dual Core 2.0 Room Correction
PS - after 55 years of audio buying his hearing may be questionable!!!! 
DSpeaker Anti Mode Dual Core 2.0 Room Correction
I just took delivery of one this week. The 2013 version, which has a higher output voltage, asynchronous usb input. I plan on using it with a simple system: Mac laptop -> DSP -> VTL Tiny Triode amps -> Quad electrostats (57). I will likel... 
Brand Longevity
Buy something serviceable - a handwired tube integrated for instance. There are tube technicians out there now servicing older integrateds... 
Speaker Cable Advice Needed
I have a lot of respect for Aragon. The 2002 sounded great on my Quad 988's... 
Is anyone using either a Allnic L3000 or L1500?
I had an L3000 for a while, older transformers. I loved the design and flexibility, but I was nonplussed on the sonics. In my system, it just seemed way too polite, not dynamic enough. At the same time, a good friend, who had the L3000 in a super ... 
Is the CD and DVD/Bluray going away?
Download movie offerings are so limited. I would only embrace this if that changed dramatically. 
Were any of you taping concerts circa 1972-88?
Yeah - I had a nice sounding JVC portable tape deck. It made warm sounding recordings. My buddy had a nakamichi 550, which was very good. 
Has anyone experianced Synesthesia?
""What am I selling?"...... Perhaps my soul, but not my dignity."Can you explain how it is possible to sell your soul without losing your dignity? To me, dignity is about having a soul, not about performing well regardless of all other considerati...