
Responses from peter_s

Oh, the frustrations of the speaker search
If you are looking for small speakers, consider a pair of Totem Model 1 Signatures. Great bass for small speakers, nice sound in all registers, image very well. Need a good amount of power. 
Downloading & Converting Music
Steve - I'm surprised about It sounds like they are just ripping commercial reel to reel recordings to digital - one step farther away from the masters. Why would someone buy that rather than getting closer to the masters? 
Soothing the night....
Do you have a smartphone? Their are quite a few free apps that generate soothing background noise. Check them out! 
A Paypal Offer - Is This Secure?
Thanks all for your input. Ultimately, I decided not to go with Paypal and convinced the buyer to pay with a wire transfer. Once he realized it was the only way I'd be willing to sell it to him (given the vagueries of the deal and lack of conformi... 
Audiogon/HD Tracks $5 offer
Interesting. The thing that holds me back from WAVE is the lack of embedded tagging informaion. Have you tried AIFF? At least that has tagging information... 
Audiogon/HD Tracks $5 offer
Why did you decide to abandon FLAC? 
room dimention question
Having a low ceiling may reduce reflection times from the ceiling. Consider using insulation between the ceiling framing and completing with fabric rather than drywall - atleast where you would expect reflections from the speakers to the listening... 
Using two sets of speakers at once?
I used to run Vandersteen 2ces and Dynaudio 72's at once and enjoyed listening to that a lot. They complemented each other well. 
A Paypal Offer - Is This Secure?
I am still thinking about selling this guy my $5000 amplifier via paypal. It would be shipped to his paypal certified address. I would do all the necessary documentation. Paypal says that they process disputes within 10 days of registering a dispu... 
Could they sell a high-end amp without the fancy
I agree with the Unsound's comments above, and I look forward to hearing a Hegel product sometime. Another product that provides true high end performance with extremely sound engineering and no bling to drive up the price are the Musical Referenc... 
A Paypal Offer - Is This Secure?
Guys - I thought bank transfers were reversable. Am I wrong about that? If they are reversable, they are less secure than paypal... I will ask my banker about this...Peter 
Floor standing speakers under $1500.00
Is anyone here paying attention to his room size? He'll need some bigger and possibly efficient speakers! 
wiring monoblocks to speakers
Sorry, but I don't agree. There was no direct nastiness in Jmcgrogan2's post. His perspective is entirely reasonable. 
Your Classe Omega Impressions 1999 stereo version
I have a pair of Omega monoblocks, and I will say they are neutral, effortless, manage to represent both micro and macro dynamics. They have no aggressiveness to them. The best of solid state. 
Preamps with balanced ins/outs and remote
I've got a VAC preamp that is transformer coupled on the output, and one can switch inputs b/t single ended and balanced (I assume also using transformers). I am told that this is a fully balanced preamp. Does that really qualify? It is fully bala...