
Responses from peter_s

Preamps with balanced ins/outs and remote
Many good choices. Hopefully you can atleast fit in a power supply box along with the main box. So, you don't need a phono stage? 
Preamps with balanced ins/outs and remote
VAC. Ayre. Allnic. What is your price range? 
Shindo or VAC preamp
I have a VAC Ren mkii with phono stage as well. I sent it to VAC for a tube switching upgrade (more choices on tubes) and for them to install blocks from which I could change the phono loading (which is fixed in this preamp). They also updated som... 
First favorite tune
Patches. Clarence Carter. 
Wilson Sasha
Pierre - even Avalon ED is still a bit light in the bass department - atleast it appears to be so in my system - BUT, I have some room modifications to be done - so I should report back after that!!! 
Need speaker advice
It is really hard for me to believe that an adequate tweeter replacement would be $2k. I would research this further. 
Best Solid State Amp w/ Avalon Eidolon Diamonds
Both the CAT JL2 and the Omegas sound very good. I'm going to try a Musical Reference RM200 and see how that compares to the CAT. 
Interesting idea. Wouldn't you have to use a magnet rather than a steel slug? Also, you could have a retractable switch that stands out a few inches beyond the front of the ram, and when that is depressed (prior to the actual ram hitting the door)... 
DSpeaker Anti Mode Dual Core 2.0 Room Correction
Thanks Rodge. I may try that out. My conversations with Toni (engineer at DSpeaker) tell me that the USB cable should make absolutely no difference. Toni was emphatic about that as part of the asynchronous design. But of course, there are plenty o... 
Audio Research Ref 250s for Magnepan 20.1s?
I ran my 20.1's with two pairs of MB450's to good effect. I found the bass on the 450's to be very organic sounding - I liked it a lot more than several good SS amps I tried in that position. 
rewiring preamp will it work
Does anyone know anything about high quality balanced splitters, particularly solid ones? 
DSpeaker Anti Mode Dual Core 2.0 Room Correction
Rodge. Why do you need a USB power conditioner when the device is using an external power supply and not USB bus powered? 
O.C.D. Speaker placement
I totally get where you guys are coming from. In fact, I'm even more particular than that! I've actually been diagnosed as CDO, which is a lot like OCD but the letters are in the correct alphabetical order. 
Switching preamps in and out
Mike - I will be very interested in your findings. I currently have a VAC Renaissance 2 (modified by VAC) and had an Allnic L3000 for a while. 
DSpeaker Anti Mode Dual Core 2.0 Room Correction
Spent some time playing around with the unit today, and here were my observations:- Definite benefit from switching to a battery power supply, when using the unit as a DAC/preamp. I haven't tested the affect of the power supply when using the unit...