
Responses from peter_s

Pulling the trigger on pricey equipment
You should also check into what type of insurance can be obtained on the shipment. If you are nervous, you could also have the buyer take photos of the equipment with a current newspaper (to show that they actually have the equipment). ETC. 
Pulling the trigger on pricey equipment
I agree with Roxy. Speaking on the phone is key, getting a sense of confidence. Reading the comments on feedback too. I've performed transactions over $10k on audiogon before (both selling and buying). The most expensive purchases, however, were f... 
Best cartridge for sme 312S tonearm
I'm currently using an Airtight PC-1, but I'm interested in lower cost replacements. 
An integrated with a good phono
Maybe you should get a restored vintage piece, like an el84 integrated. Check maple shade or other sources. Your speakers are sensitive enough for that. 
Repair of Bedini Amp
Thanks Csontos. I determined that the problem is a leaky power cap, called Mouser and got a suitable replacement (computer grade, electrolytic, same diameter, a little shorter). They are easy to replace using screw terminals. I then did talk with ... 
Repair of Bedini Amp
I found an online reference with Ben Jacoby at High End Audio Repair. Anyone have experience with Ben? 
Anyone heard Dead Hi-Rez downloads from HDtracks?
I was interested for a while until I saw the cost! Maybe a few of us can go in and buy one and do the Grateful Dead bootleg thing (joking, kinda) 
Where to buy tube amp in Osaka?
Careful about 100v input 
Is there anything like a WIFI USB cable?
Apple TV 
Affordable DAC for iPhone 5?
You'll need a 20-pin to lighting adaptor for Pure i20. Then when you have more cash, you can take the digital out from the i20 and put it into a better DAC.Anyone know about a reasonable price solution to take digital out of the iphone portably an... 
New on audiogon
I've heard the Einstein with Daedelis speakers and been very impressed. You'll need to consider what speakers would best suit your room. Tell us more about the amp specification. There are a number of great speakers that are easy to drive and shou... 
Some help with setting up active desk speakers.
By hotness I mean if the tweeters are aggressive you may not want them fired directly at your ears. The will likely sound different (and have less power) off axis (not straight in front of them). 
Some help with setting up active desk speakers.
Honestly, your question is premature. There are quite a limited number of configurations, and you will figure them out for yourself with just a little bit of experimentation. How wide a spread will be obvious when you move them in and out. The onl... 
Integrated Amp for Silverline Prelude II
Thanks all for those good suggestions. I will keep my eyes open for any of these products on the used market. I think any of these might do well, and none are too expensive. 
Integrated Amp for Silverline Prelude II
Schubert - that would be a good price point. She would like the remote. Also thinking about a Plinius 8200, but it would probably be too pricey....