
Responses from pennpencil

XLR or RCA for my new DAC
Looking at the specs for my amp and in some general reading, I see that the input/output impedance, voltage, and sensitivity are all about double for the XLR connections. I am not sure if those stats equate to a sonic difference. Here it is for my... 
SQ vs. Music
If I didn’t really care about the SQ and only cared about the music, I’d be content with my crappy computer speakers. I surely wouldn’t spend as much money on gear as I do. I do look to be dazzled by the SQ. At the same time, I turn off a song if ... 
DAC as a preamp?
+3 RME DAC. It goes directly into a Pass Labs power amp with balanced interconnects. Sounds great. Upgrading the power supply is intriguing but probably way above my pay grade. The RME has a remote so no need to leave your chair that's in the swee... 
Pass INT-250 for B&W 800's
I have the Pass 250.8 power amp and B&W 803 D3s and the amp has way more power to push the speakers than you'll ever use unless you need to broadcast in an airline hanger.  BTW, check the sound of the INT vs. the power amp to see which sound y... 
Living room system: class A or AB amps?
FWIW, the Pass Labs x250.8 gets no hotter than a warm (not hot) cup of tea after running for hours. (You could keep your hand on the amp for a long time...not that you'd want to.) 
B&W vs. Sonus Faber
As others have said, let your ears guide you. I know it's hard because you're listening to SF and BW in different systems. I own 803 D3s but am not intimately familiar with SF so I won't try to compare them. I used to run my 803s on a McIntosh but... 
Photos of my system
Terrific system. Thanks for sharing. 
I've been dragged to recommendations, kicking and screaming
I’m under-impressed with Tidal’s album mixes it creates for me based ln my playlists, or the songs it chooses when i exceed my playlist. Pandora has the most flexible and robust music algorithm. While working, I listen to Pandora and enter songs I... 
Unbelievable 3-D imaging sound
Congrats on reaching SQ nirvana. It’s wonderful to listen and be amazed. I understand the desire to share your joy. 
Pass Labs x250.8 vs tube amps
6 hours is surprising to me. I’ve spoken to Kent at Pass. The Mosfets perform to their specs when they reach 50 degrees Celsius. That’s about 125 F. If you leave the switch on on the back I think the unit warms up in a little over an hour. But now... 
How do I pay?
Buy them in person or don’t buy them at all. 
As much as I try, I just don't get it........
You can't audition components on Youtube or in dealer showrooms. And it's fun to go crazy at an audio conference having heard that next, great thing that whets your appetite. But you're right--all of our systems are snowflakes, each different. Add... 
Have you changed your mind about a brand? Was it you, or them?
@tatyana69 Agree with you about the difference between B&W d2 and d3. I’ve had both.My first time out I thought my Marantz 8001 amp was the bee’s knees. But then my McIntosh 6700 integrated made short work of the Marantz. Now, my Pass Labs has... 
New Tinnitus study and possible treatment (via Science Daily)
Thanks for this info.  Let’s hope trials continue to be successful and clinics open in the states. This ringing is a PIA. The other treatment I read about was literally destroying part of your brain. I did my own version of that as a teen and can’... 
Streaming for beginner
The other streaming option not mentioned so far is Amazon Music HD, which is cheaper than Tidal and Qobuz and is supposed to have higher resolution. I was scared off of Qobuz by reports of terrible customer service. It sounds like folks on here ha...