
Responses from pennpencil

Try a sub a third in the back
My bad. My understanding was that the advice from REL was that the subs had to be at the front. I misunderstood.  
Try a sub a third in the back
I haven't measured it exactly. I know the subs are in phase with the mains but I haven't actually done the fine adjustment of phase listening from the sweet spot. So, you're right, there is likely a spread of the bass as a result.  Coincidentally,... 
Try a sub a third in the back
It’s great to hear everyone’s experiences with 3+ subs. Part of the joy I get from this pursuit of audio hallucination (as an agon contributor called it) is learning and tinkering. Thank you for sharing your experiences. I will tinker again in the... 
Try a sub a third in the back
Funny about the advice from Rel. I respect them, love their products, and suspect they were not just trying to upsell you to a swarm. Most of us here don’t have the luxury of trying things out for free. So, we read articles, ask for advice here an... 
Try a sub a third in the back
@b_limo   Why 180 out of phase with the main speakers?  
Try a sub a third in the back
The way I connected 3 subs was by taking advantage of the Rel being connected to the speaker outs on my power amp and the other subs being connected to the rca outs on my dac. My dac also has XLR outs that I run to my power amp. I did run both spe... 
Try a sub a third in the back
Apologies for the title, which should have been, "Try a third sub in the back of the room." 1 AM might not be my best time to write titles.   
Advice needed on power cables, wall warts, conditioning, electrical outlet
Paul McGowan writes: “When we place an isolation transformer in the AC path we improve one area, cleanliness, by degrading another, regulation and impedance. An isolation transformer helps keep unwanted noise from the system at the cost of voltag... 
Why I'm not adding a sub to my 2-way monitors for music
Having just added a second sub this week in part because of the rel sale, I would add to this discussion that with the good also comes a little bad. The second sub rel s/510 added richness to the sound and much deeper sound stage. The only new pro... 
Not Sure If This Is OK Here, But Here Goes
Run from this bogus offer. Run! You already know the offer is no good. These offers only work on desperate sellers or people who trust in the kindness remote strangers, which you shouldn’t. bogus offers work on a very small percentage of targets b... 
The extinction of human interaction takes yet another step forward...
I just looked at the website. They don’t list any exhibitors for an event that’s 3 weeks away. 
If Power Cords Don't Matter...
judge for yourself if power cords do/don't make a difference: 
B&W 800 D4's, Room size, & general Q's
I have 803 D3s in a room similar to yours. Getting the 802’s or 801‘s isn’t about whether or not the speakers can play loudly enough. Each speaker just sounds different. So choose the speaker not based on the size of your room but on the sound of ... 
What audio expos are worth going to?
Thanks for all of your answers! 
Pass labs x250.8 stereo amp in San Diego?
End of this story: I purchased a 250.8 from Mark and I love it.