Responses from pennpencil
Pass labs x250.8 stereo amp in San Diego? End of this story: I purchased a 250.8 from Mark and I love it. | |
DAC Shootout Starts This Weekend Finally, an interesting comparison of DACs in the same system. Thanks for doing this. | |
surround processor? 2 speaker and home theater are entirely different. You listen differently. HT is a visual experience with potentially a great immersive sound. I don’t listen to my Marantz 11.2 system for the accuracy of the gun shot sound. I do listen to my 2 spe... | |
When someone listens to your system for the first time. I like the sentiment here but I’ve also had the opposite experience. My wife and stepson “don’t hear it.” Others do. It’s like you have the gene or you don’t. It makes the enjoyment a little more solitary than I like. | |
Will accidental max volume damage a speaker? Lesson learned. Thanks for passing it on to the rest of us. | |
Best Sounding Speaker Cables? I understand these "what is best" questions come from the dilemma of being unable to buy a bunch of expensive cables/amps/streamers and compare them. So, it seems natural to ask others, "Which should I buy?" It would be great to have a Consumer Re... | |
OK - Now What…? 1. Audition the different streaming services. They do not sound the same.2. Reexamine your speaker placement and room acoustics. 3. Occasionally, connect a pair of lousy speakers to your system so you can remember how wonderful your system truly i... | |
How many of you are digital only systems? 100% digital. Recently found out that Apple lossless sounds as good as Tidal on my system and for half the price. Now, I can listen to 70 million songs. Problem is, I don't like 69.9 million of them. :-) But who is counting? | |
T+A PA 3100HV vs Pass Labs X350.8 I have the x250.8 and love it. I heard a difference between it and the 350.8. If you can, compare the two before choosing. | |
Help selecting a power cord. As for which cable to replace first, buy one cable and move it around. See which component improves most. Buy a second cable and repeat. | |
How much reality do you really need? Upgraditis. It’s fun. Expensive but fun. | |
Best lower end cables for B&W speakers...? I use canare 4s11 but combine all of the wires in one length together, meaning, I bought four lengths of 4s11 (2 for each speaker) for my B&W 803 D3s. The wires take a while to "mature" but the sound is rich. | |
Amplifier knobs...where to "set" on the clock? As with many things, try the options and see. Noon? 5 o'clock? I bet your system works better at one of them. | |
Most rooms don’t need acoustical treatment. @dekay LMAOI don't have acoustical treatments because my setup is not in a dedicated room, unfortunately. I recognized the need when I did one of those sound tests that went from 1000hz to 0. On the way down, I could hear at the low end where my c... | |
DAC/w Volume control + Power amp or DAC + Integrated? FWIW: I bought the Nobsound passive amp because of the discussion in this thread about bit-stripping. The Nobsound was only $60 and it was for sale on Amazon. So, for once, I could try something without consideration of restocking fees, etc. I was... |