
Responses from pawlowski6132

Pat Metheny Fans, Great Suggestions Please ??
Yes, I have that too. Interesting music... 
Pat Metheny Fans, Great Suggestions Please ??
Yes, "Shadows and Light." Shadows and Fog was a Woody Allen movie. Not very good either.And, I believe the Passaggio per il Paradiso Love Theme is on the Beyond the Missouri Sky album. Clearly the best track too. 
Pat Metheny Fans, Great Suggestions Please ??
Two more comments, off the beaten path a bit; There's a cool album where he (and Jaco Pastorious, Peter Erskine, Michael Brecker) was a sideman: Shadows & Fog. Also, you'll notice nobody mentioned his soundtrack: The Falcon and the Snowman. Th... 
Pat Metheny Fans, Great Suggestions Please ??
American Garage, Travels, Offramp, 80/84, Missouri Sky, The Pat Metheny Group 
Going into the dark side.....please help
Rich, why doesn't your wife just figure out how to use your system. How difficult can it be??? 
Going into the dark side.....please help
I have a two year old and four year old, both boys. Although I keep my main system locked in my office (tube amps that sit on the floor and turntable) I've always taught my kids how to "use" electronics. They know exactly which buttons to press on... 
Going into the dark side.....please help
If your goal is just to simplify, you can do a lot better than that. And, I'm not talking about breaking the bank either. Have you looked at the integrateds for sale here? 
Vacuum tubed tone control???
You can also get one of those Musical Fidelity Tube Buffers to put in your chain. I just noticed one listed. 
Vacuum tubed tone control???
You're obviously not 100% satisfied with your Preamp and/or CD Player so, either get a CD Player with a tubed output or a tubed preamp??What do you mean by add "musicality" to your sound???? And, why do you think a tubed volume control will add it?? 
Inner sleeves versus none?
I'd say he lucked out. Don't take the chance. Spend $20 bucks and get some good inner sleeves. 
Combining different speaker cables for bi-wiring?
It actually makes more sense than using the same cable. In fact some people don't even use the same amp (bi-amping). Some cables work better than others for certain applications. 
Best speakers under $2000 to match with a SET amp?
My listening room/office is almost exactly your size. I listen to Jazz, Rock, some Bluegrass. I've used 300b and 2a3 SET amps. I've used Omega, Horneshoppe and Cain & Cain (I've also used Von Schweikert VR4J4s in another oom). I've settled on ... 
Opinions please
If you want a REAL good car wash do you drive through somewhere or, do you do it yourself in the driveway?? If music is important to you, don't cut corners, do it right and don't be lazy. It'll be worth it. 
Opinions please
Lewn; you are absolutely 100% correct! A RCM will make life really easy for you. I spend literally hours cleaning records. However, I have more time than money right now. Also, I enjoy it. I have a little station set up in the basement. Every Frid... 
Opinions please
Lewn; regarding your last comment; I vacuum mine by hand. I have a 1.5hp ShopVac with a small attachment that I wrap with a white t-shirt. I also use RRL products along with Vinylzyme. I also steam clean with distilled H20. Believe me, my records ...