
Responses from pawlowski6132

most accurate loudspeakers....
Another way to ask the quesion is, which speaker reproduces the analog signal with the least amount of change? How would you know?? It's all relative isn't it? If you listen to two speakers on the same system, you may think that one of the speaker... 
Want to Start vinyl
Taters; you obviously have more spare money than spare time. We're all not that fortunate. 
Mono LP's?
Apple iPhone Sound Quality?
Relative to what? It's a phone...that should tell you something. 
it all sounds good, but.....
I think you answered your own question... 
Static on Vinyl
Add a small humidifier to your listening room. 
Anyone Catch Lyle Lovett in NYC
I did not see it. 
what's 'Active preamp' vs 'Passive preamp'?
Eandylee"Is it better because I'm skipping additional device that I don't need? or A good preamp somehow does some good thing to improve the sound quality?"I'm of the opinion that the simpler the signal path, the better the sound MUST be, in theor... 
Warped records please advise
How bad are they warped? Are they the thin US 80's vinyl? 200g? 
what's 'Active preamp' vs 'Passive preamp'?
Actually, you can make the volume attenuation even simpler - avoiding a "box" and having to add another set of interconnects. I have a pair of "shotgun" attenuators which sit between my interconnects and my amp.Attenuator in my System 
Stand-alone phono amps?
Could you clarify your question? Are you asking if phono stages exist?? 
How do you tell how dirty your power is?
Good question. I've often wondered the same thing. I've considered buying, say, the PS Audio P500, only to find that it's impact on my sound was negligible becasue I already had clean power. 
Speaker Cables for SET Amp
I use the Cardas SE-9. 
What do the different tube amp types mean?
Think of it as characteristic trade offs and compromises. Also, you're confusing Tube characteristics (triode, pentode, etc.) and amplification toplogies. I hope this makes sense in the context of REAL information you hopefully get here soon.;^) 
Why do headphones sound so good...
I strongly question your presumption, that they do indeed sound better. I've had both (AKG k1000, Senn HD650, etc.) and a few speaker systems. There's no way headphones can replace a speaker system. Headphones are good for not waking up your neigh...