
Responses from pawlowski6132

a Power vs Volume Question
Actually, if your speakers' sensitivity are 85db/1W/1M, then, of course with 1 watt of power at 1meter, you'r SPL will be 85db. Since you'd need to double your power to increase your SPL by 3db, you'd need 536,870,912 watts to double your volume t... 
Food for thought for all us audiophiles
Mdhoover. Great point. Seems like folks here can't agree on anything. 
Rec's for a dull sounding analog system
I assume your Monolithic Sounds refers to a PS2 phono stage? Without which you would lose the RIAA equalization that a phono stage performs and make your system sound dull, flat and compressed. 
Food for thought for all us audiophiles
While I think this article hits ONE nail on the head, I think there are many more nails holding this hobby together. I can think of a few reasons why someone might buy a $7,200 pair of speaker cables: 1) Some people just have more money than they ... 
Low volume music
No question - 45 SET amp with nearfield speakers. 
I guess so. It just took me by surprise. 
Your in love with a pair of Yamaha speakers??? 
APC Smart-UPS 1500
Thanx Musicman. I'll give it a shot when my amps get here.BTW, why don't you think I should plug my amps into the battery backup outlets? Just curious. 
Pet audiophile peeves - name yours
1) Classifieds with the words "Audiophile", "Reference", etc. in the title.2) Classifieds with no information about the product because, "...if you're reading this ad, than you alread know about/how great this product is." 
APC Smart-UPS 1500
Hmmm. How 'bout this. I plug my TT motor into the unit to take advantage of the voltage stablization and then then I plug a PS Audio Ultimate Outlet into the unit. I take advantage of the voltage stablization and surge protection and use the UO to... 
Klipsch Speakers for a low power tube amp.
20 watts is nothing to sneeze at. Klipsch speakers like the khorns, etc. are VERY efficient and only need about 2W to get going. In other words, with 20 watts, you have many opportunities besides Klipsch. 
What do you think about this statement
Yeah, great idea. Invite him over, slip into something comfortable, poor some drinks and dim the lights. Then, put on the Barry White.Yeeeha. 
Mono blocks are better or Stereo power amp?
For "trance/techno" music; no difference. 
What do you think about this statement
So, if I said I prefer an all JVC/Bose system to an VAC/Von Schweikert system, y'all would just chaulk that up to personal preferences?If someone said that to me, I would be thinking; they must have a tin ear. Because, the VAC/VSA combo is clearly... 
how to increase volume from tape deck?
Step-up transformer.