
Responses from pani

Unipivot tonearms less forgiving of Vinyl quality?
And which profile is typically less forgiving of noise ? 
Makeshift tonearm for under $800
Anyone ? 
"Harder" cartridge recomendation
Halcro, Syntax..others, can someone please describe the sound signature of these high end FR cartridges ? How do they compare to the current Lyras and ZYX ? Any opinions ? 
"Harder" cartridge recomendation
Bydlo, another cartridge I am seriously considering and think will suit your requirement very well is the Yamamoto YC-03s. Please read about it. You can buy brand new within your budget. 
"Harder" cartridge recomendation
Though it is not my thread if Bydlo doesnt mind, can someone please describe the signature sound of FR7/f/fz carts ? I tried googling for a review but just couldnt find any and these cartridges are very expensive even in the used market so it is n... 
"Harder" cartridge recomendation
By the way, what do you think of the TSD15 super fine line version ? 
"Harder" cartridge recomendation
Cartridge that is fast, has a big sound and better than TSD15 under 1.2k Euros ? I do not know of any modern cart that fits all these criteria, but pleeeese if you do find one, dont forget to post it here on the thread. I will also love to own a c... 
47 Labs RS-A1 tonearm, how to adjust VTA ?
Thanks Intactaudio, I will try these options today.The distance from stylus to center pivot is something that is still a mystery. Some say it should be 2cm and some say it should be 0 cm !! You say 1cm :-). But I will try. I am not looking for the... 
47 Labs RS-A1 tonearm, how to adjust VTA ?
Okay, now I know how to adjust the VTA and also did try a few different settings, however I am unable to get rid of certain amount screechy-ness on high pitched female vocals especially while playing oldies classics. I dont hear that on the SME 30... 
Where do you go after a Dynaudio C1 ?
Noelpastor, you are very correct, the C1 was a big step up from the 1.3se, but I also thought it has more of the Dynaudio voice. It was especially noticeable in string instruments. In fact the higher one goes in the Dynaudio chain the more the voi... 
Where do you go after a Dynaudio C1 ?
Not really Noelpastor, you have not mispresented Dyns. In fact all Dyns that I have heard Audience 52, 52SE, Focus 140, 220, Contour 1.3SE and C1 all of them are great speakers. They really give an audiophile the reason to be in this hobby. Just b... 
Where do you go after a Dynaudio C1 ?
SCM7 is a very small speaker, costing $1k new. Comparing it to the C1 ($7k) may not be a good idea. Listen to an SCM40 ($4k) and then compare it to a C1 in whatever parameters you would like to.I suggested the SCM11 approach only to get an idea ab... 
Calling ATC owners
Dave, two things:1. ATC doesnt have any roll off, hence you will never see anyone calling ATC dull at any frequency. The choice of silk vs metal dome is purely based on what sounds more true to the timbre.2. With ATC one doesnt hear bass, treble, ... 
Calling ATC owners
Sorry, no comparison, the ATC is a lot more natural sounding than the rather hifi-sh sounding Utopias. Moreover once you go active it is closest to the real thing that you can get on reproduced music. You are lucky to have the resources to get so ... 
Where do you go after a Dynaudio C1 ?
Here is an SCM11 for sale for just $950: