
Responses from pani

Lyra or ZYX ?
Interesting reply :-). So you found the 47 labs tonearm too funny to try ! Anyway, Syntax, frankly I dont have the bandwidth to spend $5k on a tonearm. I suppose the kind of serious tonearms you are talking about are all $4k+, correct me if I am w... 
Lyra or ZYX ?
Syntax, you say that the SME 3012 was made for super soft carts but it has a effective mass of 14 grams, will that accomodate a high compliance cartridge like the Shure or Empire (compliance above 25) ? 
Phonostage: Naim Superline vs 47 Labs phonocube
WOW !! 
Lyra or ZYX ?
Syntax, I was looking at a 47 Labs RS-A1 arm. It is affordable and quite well appreciated. Do you have any opinions about it ? 
Lyra or ZYX ?
Thank you guys. Thats a lot of useful information to chew upon. Could I ask what would be a good compliance number to be considered "high" ? 
Lyra or ZYX ?
Doug and Syntax, I like your suggestions and can see very reasonable logic behind. But, are we not taking extreme cases into this equation. $100 tonearm with $4k cartridge is good for illustration but am I in that situation ? My tonearm is an SME ... 
Lyra or ZYX ?
Doug, you say that my 14g effective mass tonearm is just about okay but 18g should have been better for ZYX yatra. Can I choose the ZYX with their additional silver headshell weight to increase the effective mass ? 
Lyra or ZYX ?
Dover, what is it about 3012 that you dont like ? Or say what can I expect the Phantom to do more ? 
Lyra or ZYX ?
Doug, what is your opinion about Lyra vs ZYX ? Since you are so exhaustively into analog I would guess you have heard some Lyras also ? 
Lyra or ZYX ?
Doug, mine is the older generation SME 3012 Series2, not the new gen SME 312. You mention that with a heavy tonearm the ZYX yatra can rock. Do you think my tonearm fulfils that criteria ? It will be interesting to hear from you what you think abou... 
How will you split $3000 between phono and cart ?
Photon46, I contacted Mehran for the RCM phonostage. He indeed has one demo set for sale. But he is reluctant to sell it to me because he says there is already an RCM dealer in Singapore so I should buy from him. I would like to talk to you over e... 
Lyra or ZYX ?
Hi Doug and Syntax,My TT is a Nouvelle Platine Verdier, Tonearm is SME 3012 S2. While current phonostage is a Auditorium23 SUT + Leben RS-30EQ I am planning to change it to an RCM Sensor Prelude or 47 labs, still not decided. Naim Superline is als... 
Lyra or ZYX ?
This is not easy I suppose. Helikon is traditionally known to be fast and lean and I am not really looking for that kind of sound. I am looking for something that is naturally detailed. I read some good things about Delos so considering it. I also... 
Phonostage: Naim Superline vs 47 Labs phonocube
No No Chashas I am not at the Miyabi level as yet. Started off with a DL103Pro. Looking to get some ZYX.Thanks for your good words regarding Naim. All cables are indeed Naim. Superline is still in consideration but if it requires a Supercap to per... 
How will you split $3000 between phono and cart ?
Lyra was not on my mind, I was thinking of ZYX or Ortofon. But now too many recommendations for Lyra makes me look into it. Has anyone compared Lyra to a ZYX or Ortofon ?