
Responses from pani

Yamamoto YC-03s cartridge - hardly recommended
No one has even heard it ? 
Graham Phantom1, Kuzma Stogi Ref, Naim ARO
Does the equation change if I add the Basis Vector 4 tonearm to the list ? 
What is the best vintage TT for new audiophile?
SL-1200 is a great TT to kick start your journey. 
Graham Phantom1, Kuzma Stogi Ref, Naim ARO
FR64 has always been a mystery to me. Some love it and some dont care about it. I could not find enough internet reviews about it as well to have a clear idea about its sonics. What is it about FR64 ?Otherwise I am leaning towards Rega 1000 or a N... 
Most "Musical" sounding speaker cable under $1000
Sunnyjim, I know cables are raining in this thread and you will get many more recommendations, and pass this suggestion of mine as yet another. But PLEASE take note, there is a cable called Crimson R.M Musiclink, it is made in UK, this cable has b... 
"Harder" cartridge recomendation
Nothing like it Bydlo. Only if home demo of cartridges was a little more of an accepted norm we audiophiles would have spent so much less time trying out too many of them and could listen to music instead. Great going, let us know how you like the... 
"Harder" cartridge recomendation
Bydlo, I have another recommendation which I believe is safe in terms of compatibility with your arm and meets the sound signature you are looking for and relatively cheaper, the Dynavector 17D3. I have heard it and currently considering it very s... 
Makeshift tonearm for under $800
Thanks Geoch for all that information. I am happy to read that you have experience with all the tonearms (3012, conqueror and ARO) we are discussing. I also had Linn Ekos on my mind.Regarding SAEC tonearms, I never thought about it. But now that y... 
Makeshift tonearm for under $800
Actually this "makeshift" thing was just an impulsive thought, simply because I could not conjure up a valid list of tonearms which I would truly like to buy as my "main" arm. My requirements are simple but sometimes too much of simplicity is not ... 
Makeshift tonearm for under $800
I was thinking about FR64 as well, just that I am unable to get to read about its sonics and cartridge compatibility on the internet. 
Upgrade for users of 1/2" mylar belt
Hi Doug, for the past few months I am desperately looking to upgrade the drive system of my Verdier. It was originally supplied with a silk thread which was okay but a friend of mine suggested I try 1/4 inch reel to reel tape. The tape immediately... 
"Harder" cartridge recomendation
Halcro, would you like to share the details of the "magical" cartridge ? 
Who uses high end TT setup for vintage records ?
No, Pani. This is not a tonearm issue for sure, but mostly related with speakers and electronics ... and (in some very rare cases) to a lesser degree on some unacceptably draft made IC and speaker cables. (I am perfectly happy that I've discovered... 
Who uses high end TT setup for vintage records ?
Examples are many. Turntables that could not play many of the classic/vintage rock/pop recordings well:1. Scheu Premier2. Oracle Delphi3. Origin Live4. Clearaudio (sorry dont remember the model)There are many more.Cartridges that clearly favour ne... 
Makeshift tonearm for under $800
I am using a ZYX RS30 cart and RCM Sensor prelude phono. Both are very lively combination.