
Responses from pani

Next Phonostage
Unless multiple phono inputs is a must you should look at the 47 Labs phonocube and RCM Sensor Prelude. Both are outstanding phonostages with some of the best dynamics, tone, transparency and soundstage. There is nothing that they really fall shor... 
Lyra Kleos or EMT TSD 15 for Rega P9
Totally two different sounding carts. If you like more of a hi-fish sound and have lots of new/modern records, go ahead with a Lyra. Else it is the TSD15 for me any day.BTW, I have heard a Lyra Delos on a P9 very recently, it is a good match, depe... 
questions on zyx airy 1000
Hi Gilles130, if you dont mind, where are you getting the Hiraga pre pre from ? 
Micro Seiki, or TW AC-1
Thanks Opus for taking my comments in the right spirit. 
Micro Seiki, or TW AC-1
Pani, as a matter of clarification:You said: "There is a "rush", a little too much leading edge and not enough time to bloom. There was also a colouration in the timbre of the instruments as if to artificially make it sound "rich". Basically it fe... 
Micro Seiki, or TW AC-1
If you are open to Idler drive then you could also consider the EMT 930. It is well within a reachable budget and can be had with warranty from one of the ex-EMT engineers 
Micro Seiki, or TW AC-1
Someone has asked for a suggestion out here because he wants to put his hard earned money into it, just like I did few months ago. That is the reason I wrote as honestly as I could what I heard with "reasonable" conviction.However, it is interesti... 
Micro Seiki, or TW AC-1
I heard the TW Raven One and AC on four different arms and carts. All in the same system and at the same time. My impressions about the TT did not change. Some things are too foundational and if it comes through, you know it is the TT. The same ro... 
Micro Seiki, or TW AC-1
Hi Maril555,When I set out to buy a TT about 10 months back, I auditioned a long list of TTs and that includes the TW Raven One, Raven AC, Microseiki RX8000, RX8000 MK2, SME 30, Avid Acutus, Brinkmann Bardo and quite a few more. Among them also wa... 
Step up transformer for Benz Ebony TR cartridge
Dtc, I too have wondered about this. However now I am more worried about the impedance. The Ebony TR has an 1 ohm output impedance and the SUT has to be designed to handle that. 
Step up transformer for Benz Ebony TR cartridge
Thank you. 
Step up transformer for Benz Ebony TR cartridge
Thanks Syntax for the advice.I have two questions here:1. Whether it is Cotter or Fidelity research, is it enough to just see the gain amount (e.g 1:20) or do I have to see any other spec so as to make sure the SUT is compatible with my cartridge.... 
Step up transformer for Benz Ebony TR cartridge
Bluewolf, that preamp of yours seems absolutely esoteric!! No wonder it will suit amazingly well the Ebony TR. Please do write here what you think about it.In the mean time, I confirmed with the manufacturer of my phonostage (RCM Audio) and they s... 
Step up transformer for Benz Ebony TR cartridge
Are you going to use Syntax SUT ? 
Step up transformer for Benz Ebony TR cartridge
This cartridge seems to be one of the least popular of all benz cartridges even though whoever has heard it says amazing things about it. Even here, where the most expensive cartridges and tonearms are discussed so commonly, not many seems to have...