
Responses from pani

ZYX R100 Yatra
Pani, I'm thinking of buying a factory rebuilt super gold with 0 hours on it. It comes with a 1 year warrantee from London Decca. The cost is 500 GBP plus shipping. If it doesn't work well with my Airtangent arm do you think you might be intereste... 
ZYX R100 Yatra
Exlibris, I know quite a few who use the Decca as their primary cartridge. It is not as bad as some people tout it to be. Yes, it probably likes Unipivot more than any other cart or something very stable and solid like an SME V or Thomas Schick. B... 
ZYX R100 Yatra
Yes, the Miyabi was very good. It has the warmth of a good MM and details/dynamics of MC. 
ZYX R100 Yatra
Pani,Which Lyra are you liking now? The Delos was on my radar as was the Denon 103R.I have tried the Delos, Skala and the Helikon. They sound very similar yet different. Delos: The most dynamic of all, both macro and micro. Most detailed too.Skala... 
ZYX R100 Yatra
After ZYX I have tried quite a few, Lyra, Ortofon, Miyabi 47, Van den hul (Condor), Benz Micro Ebony TR and the ubiquitous Denon 103. Sure enough no other cartridge had that uber special presentation of a ZYX but all of them sounded a little more ... 
ZYX R100 Yatra
AS you have rightly noted, ZYX has a special sound and no other cartridge can replicate that. However the earthiness and human nature you are looking for is not one of its strength. The 4D will give you the most but still it may not do it all (esp... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
TAD Reference with all TAD electronics. If anyone feels "neutral is boring", he should check out this combo. It is the best illustration of how neutrality in true sense is actually the most believable presentation of the source. 
It will work if you dont crank it up too loud. 
Warm, Smooth yet Transparent Amp
Get a Naim Nait 5i. It is warm and lively, has very good drive and timing. It will really get your senses uplifted, especially for the kind of music you listen to. 
Tannoy Speakers & Bi-wiring
Arj, as far as I know, the Tannoy Prestige internal wiring is Acrolink for Kensington and above and it is Van den hul silver cable for Turnberry and below. 
Tannoy Speakers & Bi-wiring
Mulveling, I only tried to suggest you that you may want to avoid using different cable for biwiring because there is a reason. I am surprised that:1. You say that your Tannoy is not time aligned. Its dual concentric driver is considered one of th... 
Absolutely a great speaker. Works great in small rooms because they like to be listened near field. Whether that Creek will work or not I dont know. I have not heard Creek enough. 
Tannoy Speakers & Bi-wiring
Mulveling, the most fundamental rule of biwiring of passive speaker is to use the same wire for all the drivers, else the drivers will not be time aligned. Please read this: 
Tannoy Speakers & Bi-wiring
Pani, what wire are you using to bi-wire the Tannoys?I have used quite a few. When I was using Naim amplification I used the NAC A5. Now I am using wavac valve amplification so I have tried speaker cables from Harmonix, ASI Liveline, Chord. The th... 
Tannoy Speakers & Bi-wiring
I have played around with Biwiring with my earlier ATC and my present Tannoy Turnberry SE. With ATC, biwiring has a tremendous effect on the positive side, no negatives at all. With Tannoy however I prefer single wired sound. It is tighter and mor...