
Responses from pani

Which high power SET
I have heard the Wavac. I have also heard some other amps recommended in this thread. What is important to note is, SET or PP, the output tubes have a major contribution to the sonic signature. Most of the big tubes, especially 845, 805 etc have a... 
EMT TSD15 tonality..colouration ?
Thuchan, which SUT are you using ? What kind of gain ? 
EMT TSD15 tonality..colouration ?
Thuchan, what is the right way to amplify the Lzi ? 
Does anyone love the First Watt SIT2
I am thinking of getting his latest F6 (upgrade from F5) which is a 30 watt pure class A amp based on Jfet output devices. Srajan of 6moons told me that it is very close to his SIT1 and considering that the F6 goes to 50 watts at 4 ohm, all of the... 
FM Acoustics fm155 preamp
Currently I use a Lamm LL2 preamp with Wavac EC300B power amp. The plan is to replace the Lamm preamp with FM acoustics preamp which will drive the Wavac. The next step possibly is to get a Pass Labs F6 to replace the Wavac since I need more power... 
25 watts Class A or 70 watts Class A/B ?
Got in touch with Reno hifi and Srajan Eaben (6moons). Both of them highly recommended the upcoming F6 over the F5. The F6 is more powerful but it supposedly sounds more like a SIT too. So it is like the best of both worlds, power, transparency an... 
Leben CS600 vs McIntosh MC275
MC275 has a more gutsy powerful presentation and it is also more fluid. The Leben has better micro dynamics and micro details. It has a certain sparkle in its sound which is makes for a lively presentation.If your speaker needs more power, get the... 
25 watts Class A or 70 watts Class A/B ?
Atmasphere, I have never heard any of your amps before. I have only heard one OTL by Graaf and for some unknown reason I found it too coloured and bloated. However, I am trying to audition your amp here. Will report here if I get to hear them.Char... 
25 watts Class A or 70 watts Class A/B ?
Lots of interesting suggestions. Few points worth mentioning:1. I already have a Naim NAC 52 preamp. So adding a NAP 300 would not be an issue from the matching stand point.2. Bombaywalla, thanks for your suggestions. Somewhere within, I know a hi... 
25 watts Class A or 70 watts Class A/B ?
Pani,I would think the 25 watt First Watt amplifier is a very good match with your speakers.I doubt that you'd be disappointed given your listening preferences.Charles,Yes Charles, considering that at the moment I use a Wavac 300B amp which I love... 
ZYX R100 Yatra
Exlibris, which tonearm do you use with the Decca. I am also using the Decca Super Gold now and I am liking it a lot. It doesnt have the extra special airy soundstage of the ZYX but it does a lot of other things better than many cartridges costing... 
Esoteric A-100 vs a03
Charles, I have heard quite a few 845 tubes based amps, both SET and PP. They just dont make the grade for me. Yes, they have bone crunching dynamics and they sound big but they dont have the nuance and delicacy. Everything sounds blown up out of ... 
Esoteric A-100 vs a03
How big is your listening room and how loud (in dBs) are you trying to comfortably achieve?Onhwy61, my room size is pretty small, about 170 sqft with a usual 10ft ceiling height. 
Esoteric A-100 vs a03
Hi Charles,Your observations are very informative. Just to get some more idea, which Push-pull amps have you generally liked ? Please list some models please. Basically I am coming from a mixed background of solid state and pure SET amplification.... 
Esoteric A-100 vs a03
Charles, can you please elaborate a little more on the sound signature of the A-100 ?