
Responses from pani

Wavac PR-X2 preamp - is it worth $10k ?
The website says it has an output impedance of 10kohms. Could that be a typo ? 
How powerful is a Wavac MD-300B
The only reason I am trying for this wavac (even though I also like the more powerful Audio Note) is because there is no other amp I have heard which does things that the Wavac can do. My impression comes from EC-300B. 
How powerful is a Wavac MD-300B
Charles1dad, I dont want to get into something that I have never auditioned. I like Audio Note stuff and have heard them and now I love Wavac stuff having listened to them. I will rather keep it within these two brands. I removed Sophia Electric a... 
How powerful is a Wavac MD-300B
By the way, Westminister Royal is not suppose to be an easy to drive speaker, even though it is 99db sensitive. It needs amps with very good control AFAIK. 
How powerful is a Wavac MD-300B
It is clear that each 300B amp have different capabilities in driving a speaker, especially a real world speaker. Can the MD-300b do it ? 
How powerful is a Wavac MD-300B
I have tried some 300B amps with my Tannoys in my room. The Audio Note Conquest with 18 watts (parallel single ended 300B) could easily drive it. But when we talk about only 8-10 watts I do not know yet. 
Wavac PR-X2 preamp - is it worth $10k ?
Isochronism, between the Audio Note Conquest and Audio Note Kit Legend 300B, I chose the kit Legend. It is any day a better amplifier than standard conquest. Faster, cleaner, purer, more authority, very stable under difficult load, still has the A... 
Art Audio Jota VS Audio Note Conquest
Maril55, I am at Singapore, I will be dealing directly with AA UK. I hope they are good.I am unable to find much on info on how the AA sound differs from AN though. 
Art Audio Jota VS Audio Note Conquest
Maril555, your experience is terrifying. I am buying it pre-owned so thankfully I do not have to deal with AA dealers specifically. 
Pass Labs SIT2
Anyone heard it ? 
Audio Note M6 - dark and thick sound ?
Thanks again guys, I have been confirmed by the NAim forum guys that this is not going to work. So I am rather happy that it is not my M6 that is too dark or slow.BTW, has anyone heard the Pass Labs SIT2 ? 
Audio Note M6 - dark and thick sound ?
Thanks for the replies.I could possibly get a pre-owned Graaf GM50 power amp. Line Magnetic and Sac Thailand are also two options I can look for. Any experiences with these ? 
Sophia Electric 91-01 and 91-5 300B
Dilly, thanks for that input. Which preamp are you using with the Sophia amps ? Did you consider their higher models, 91-03 and 91-05 ? 
Sophia Electric 91-01 and 91-5 300B
Isochronism, thats me on AA :-)Martingren, thanks for that input. Could you please suggest a few 300B amps that you like ? 
Question on FR 66s
Thanks Halcro.At present I use two unipivots, Naim ARO and 47 Labs RS-A1. Both are very fast and open sounding tonearms. I will now try out a FR64s and possibly report back on this same thread.