
Responses from pani

Question on FR 66s
Halcro, one of the reasons why the Graham has been highly touted is it is a well built unipivot and has a tremendous speed and transient response. Did you miss any of that in the FR64s ? 
Why will no other turntable beat the EMT 927?
Thanks Thuchan for the description. Just to add more information, J.C Verdier is now making an even bigger TT called the Verdier Magnum. It is massive and is made to order only. You can read about it here: 
Question on FR 66s
Dear Nandric, while philosophy is one of my favourite topics, the above post was not in that direction though. There is at the moment an FR64s and FR64fx on ebay and the seller is asking additional $200 for the original headshell. I am considering... 
Question on FR 66s
Another question, is it worth buying the original FR headshell along with the tonearm, I ask this because the headshell costs about $200 and for that money there are other headshells to consider as well. 
Question on FR 66s
Since we are at it. Can anyone advise whether the FR64s and FR64fx are both equally good or is one superior to the other ? 
Question on FR 66s
Talking about high quality vintage arms, has anyone heard a Ortofon RMG 309 tonearm ? Are they comparable to the modern tonearms ? 
Why will no other turntable beat the EMT 927?
Thanks bydlo. 
Question on FR 66s
Thanks Halcro for the description. I should start hunting for an FR then :-).I currently use a Naim ARO on a Verdier which is nice, a second tonearm like the FR64s should complete the story. 
Question on FR 66s
Thanks for the information. It is interesting to know that the FR64/66 can handle such a wide range of cartridges. However, can someone also say a few words about their sonic attributes ? How they sound like in general ? Since it is a vintage tone... 
Question on FR 66s
Syntax, dont you think the effective mass of the tonearm also plays an important role on the sonics given the compliance of the cartridges ? Is it good to use a cartridge with compliance of 15 on a tonearm with 30gram effective mass ? 
Why will no other turntable beat the EMT 927?
Thank you Thuchan for bringing up this amazing topic which is far less discussed on this forum than typical modern products. I have been researching on the EMT tables off late. It is really nice to see someone with so much analog experience still ... 
Brinkmann vs TW Acustic
Very well said Syntax. Just like the prat thing which people like to avoid discussing or learning. 
Brinkmann vs TW Acustic
Dgad, I know I stuck my neck out the moment I took names and tried to talk straight without using sugar coated disclaimer in every sentence. Believe me I never intended to abuse anyone or sound condescending. Some times straight talk can drive a p... 
Brinkmann vs TW Acustic
Dgad, as always, I am amused by questions like "does live music have PRAT ?" !! The fundamental building block of music is PRAT and dynamics. An instrument doesnt create music, it only creates sounds. When those sounds are played in certain "time"... 
Brinkmann vs TW Acustic
Dev, I think your point about TW not doing great in terms of Timing and Rhythm is quite understandable. I dont think it is to do with speed stability. Even though a TT has stable speed the perception of great timing and rhythm has lot more to do w...