
Responses from pani

Lyra Delos vs EMT TSD 15
Griffithds, I would love to hear a 150 ANV or the ART7 but they are very low output MC carts and I do not have the phonostage for them. I heard the AT33-PTG and it sounded promising. I straight away jumped to their reference ART series cart and ch... 
Lyra Delos vs EMT TSD 15
I know it has not been suggested but I think one of the most under-rated, under-discussed and under-valued cartridge is the ART9 from Audio Technica. I have used the Delos, Skala, XX2 mk2, Kontrapunkt and Miyabi in the past. At the moment I use th... 
Philosophy: Bearing vs. Unipivot
In response to Ivor, Naim made the ARO. One of the simplest forms of Unipivots. The ARO till date fascinates more Linn-ies than all the Linn tonearms put together :-). 
Power Filtering vs Power Regeneration?
Halcro,Look at this product: a few have upgraded from really good power regenerators to this passive product in my city. I personally use the lower end model called 6GG and it is just terrific. Music i... 
Single ended RCA preamp short list
Wavac, FM Acoustics 
Lounge LCR III vs. Lehmann Audio Black Cube SE II
How do you like it ? 
Lounge LCR III vs. Lehmann Audio Black Cube SE II
I have had both. SE and SE II are not too different 
Lounge LCR III vs. Lehmann Audio Black Cube SE II
Black cube SE is one of the best phonostages around for under $2k. It is a no brainer to me. 
Harry Weisfeld Was Right All Along
It is an old thing. If you listen with an open mind you will find that with a majority of 9" and 10" tonearms anti-skate makes the sound more hifi-sh and mechanical. Without anti-skate it is more natural but a wee bit fuzzy which I do not mind. Th... 
Tube preamp vs Tube cd player
You seriously think one should decide on a source component just by looking at the presence/absence of tubes ? That's quite rare and awkward as an approach IMO. Source is like the mother. It reproduces the music from the disc. One has to carefully... 
Lamm LL2 deluxe, Herron VTSP3A, CAT SL1 MKIII
Lamm at least I can say is a very versatile preamp. It is lively and dynamic (more dynamic than many usual tube preamps). It is not like audio research which gets into the solid state territory. A Lamm has a clear tube sound but with great dynamic... 
FM Acoustics fm155 preamp
I did lots of SETs on Tannoys and ProAcs in the past and know full well their capabilities. Even older recorded jazz on digital sounded mesmerizing.. As well portrayal of acoustical instruments, magical--almost eerily so in their own unique ways o... 
FM Acoustics fm155 preamp
Hey thanks guys. Yes I have been listening to music through FM Acoustics F10 for the last couple of days. Even though I bought it pre-owned it still seems to have improved after some further listening. Initially I felt my Wavac 300B SET has higher... 
Preamp for FM Acoustics F10 amplifier
Thanks PrcInka. I looked around for the Dennesen JC80 preamp, it seems to be a very rare preamp in the pre-owned market. If you come across any in your circle, please let me know.I will also keep a look out for it. 
Help choose phono stage
Pro-ject Phono RS or Lehmann Blackcube SE. Either one is outstanding.