
Responses from pani

Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes
Charles, I was just giving an illustration. Even I can move between a good digital and analog rig. However I do not agree that the difference between good analog and good digital is small. The difference is still significant IMO but because they a... 
Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes
Charles, it is not an easy one to describe. It is a bit like analog vs digital debate, as long one has only heard digital it is enjoyble but if one gets used to analog then the shortcomings of digital is too glaring. The more coherent and emotiona... 
Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes
Hi Charles, all said and done, once an SET man will probably always remain an SET man and that is why even the FM doesnt cut it for me.Arthursmuck, I have a Tannoy Turnberry SE. 
Jean Nantais Reference Lenco Mk2 vs Mk3
Sure, will post this thread on Lenco Heaven 
Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes
Hi Charles, yes I did put my wavac on sale but when it actually I came to selling it I developed cold feet! It is such a phenomenal amp that I could not gather where I will go next after the Wavac is gone. It remains my go to amp every time even t... 
First Turntable Advice
Aubadge, either you are a Vpi man or a Rega man. They are very different sounding decks and no matter what upgrade path vpi offers it will never sound like a Rega so upgrade path is a secondary consideration IMO. First you need to figure out which... 
Lyra Kleos vs versus the EMT TSD 15. Thoughts?
In my experience the TSD-15 sounds best with an appropriate SUT. I have heard it direct through MC phono (really good ones) and through good SUT, the SUT way sounds way more natural and balanced. Whereas Kleos doesnt pose that restriction IMO. 
Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes
You guys have made this thread much more interesting than I expected :-). Keep it coming.Brownsfan, thank you for the reply. Now Elrog seems to be a worthy replacement for the more expensive 300B tubes out there. 
Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes
Brownsfan, how does the Elrog compare to your previous Psvane 300B ? 
Lyra Delos vs EMT TSD 15
I also agree that a TSD15 SFL does not sound dull or anemic at all, if any thing it is a bit too energetic. 
What's your experience with fine phono preamp s ?
I moved from RCM Sensor to Naim superline :-) 
Audio-Technica AT-ART9 phono cartridge
Oregonpapa, what I meant was the Dynavector 17D3 was not even comparable to the ARt9. It was far behind. By the way 17D3 is not neutral. It has a bit of a rosy midrange and it tries push music to your face. Not very elegant.Tablejockey, regarding ... 
Audio-Technica AT-ART9 phono cartridge
Dodgealum, I have heard the Delos and ART9 in my own system but not the xx2. I had the Dynavector 17D3 in my system but that was no where in comparison.Regarding review, you probably wont get to read professional reviews of ART9 unless you underst... 
Audio-Technica AT-ART9 phono cartridge
Dgarretson, I have not heard the ART7 so I cannot comment on its sound per se. Its heartening to know that it can be amplified without SUT. Here is an email that was sent to a friend of mine by Audio Technica:Mr. Rodrigo Thomaz from Audio Technica... 
Audio-Technica AT-ART9 phono cartridge
I forgot to mention, my turntable is a Nouvelle Platine Verdier (Auditorium 23 revision) with SME M2-12 tonearm, Naim Superline + Supercap phonostage.