
Responses from pani

Teresonic Ingenium Silver loudspeakers
Sensitivity is one thing. Many/most older JBL, TAD, Tannoy speakers were high sensitive but they always needed some power from the amp to play under control. Those big drivers did not exactly have light weight cones and needed some damping from th... 
Teresonic Ingenium Silver loudspeakers
Volti though may not be as suitable to low powered tube amps as the Teresonic or the Classic audio loudspeakers. 
Which model Tannoy for my audio room
I have a very similar room dimensions as yours and I use a Tannoy Turnberry SE. I have powered with various tube and SS amps. It is the right size for such a room IMO. I have also heard a Kensington and Stirling SE in similar rooms and all of them... 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
He he! Oregonpapa, I am not surprised at all. As I said before, this is the only cartridge I will buy again and again when it wears off. It puts me in the middle of the performance or in the middle of the studio like no other cart. The day I hear ... 
Looking for really fine cables at really low price
Check out Stereo-Lux interconnects from Germany. They are highly regarded among the industry insiders. 
Van Den Hul what is the best cart ?
I dont think any VDH will beat the Zyx 4D unless you are looking for a change in voicing. 
Tenor OTL 75wi vs 175s
My Tannoys are not exactly a bad match. For at least 75% of the music I listen, I do not have the trouble in getting the desired SPLs. Only with stuff like Michael Jackson where you really would like to crank it up and swing, you kind feel shortch... 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
Scm, be prepared to get a matching SUT if the ASR doesnt cut it. If you cannot budget for a good SUT, it would be a experimental purchase.I have had phonostages with upto 68db gain and IMO a 0.1 mv was far from ideal with those phonostages. Moreov... 
Tenor OTL 75wi vs 175s
Hi Atmasphere,Thanks for the suggestion. By weak tubes, are you indicating at the driver tubes or the output tubes ?Secondly, do you have any recommendation on what kind of speaker cables should be used between a typical speaker and an OTL for a g... 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
As per one of the senior designers at Audio Technica, the ART7 aimed for classical music. It is a little more transparent and micro-detailed than ART9 but the ART9 sounds bigger, more powerful with realistic bass which works very well for Jazz, Ro... 
Tenor OTL 75wi vs 175s
Hi Mike,So which other tube amps do you consider in the same league or better than the Tenor OTL 75 ?Any speaker recommendations for a normal 200 sqft room which works well with the OTL 75 ? 
Tenor OTL 75wi vs 175s
You guys have made things both easy and difficult for me. Thanks a lot. 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
I had the vdh Condor XGM for sometime. I prefer the ART9 any day. 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
Thats a nice video Oregonpapa. The ART9 in my case took about 150 hours to fully settle down and lose all artefacts. I dont know why it is even considered as a budget cartridge (just because it retails for $1k ?). I currently use a top tier phonos... 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
Hey, thanks for calling me out else I would have missed the thread :-)