
Responses from pani

Danish loudspeakers: Dynaudio & System Audio
I have heard and owned many of the higher dynaudio models. Sure their tweeters are nice. When I listened to ATC though it was an ear opener. It remains one of the most natural sounding conventional speaker. You do not feel like dissecting bass and... 
Advice re the use of OTL amps vs others
Adding a ZERO which is after all a transformer after the otl ? Does it not defeat the whole purpose and sonics of otl in the first place ? How much of the otl sound remains after that ? 
Kronos Sparta and TW Acoustic TT
Kronos has a low noise floor but it also lacks some of that sparkle and excitement that accompanies a great analog system. Take a look at Avid Acutus 
Phono Interconnect
Mogami is good. The best I have heard though is Stereolux Finewire c37 phono cable. It is made by a guy in Germany. This cable is widely used by some of the best tonearm makers like Thomas Schick, Durand and Reed for internal wiring. Supremely goo... 
Is Dynaudio forgiving speakers?
With Dynaudio, you need to spend quite a sum for amplification to get them to sing. Pure class A solid state amps like the Plinius SA-103, Accuphase A-30/45, Esoteric A-03 would sound best with this speaker. Naim amplification also sounds very goo... 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
Hey, nice to see you guys are having fun :-D 
Amplifier for Tannoy Turnberry GR
Mmarshall, another very interesting option would be to get 2 Pass Labs F6 amplifiers and biamp the Tannoy. I have heard the F6 and it is seriously among the best solid state amplifiers I have heard and that comes closest to a top notch tube amp. I... 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
An update: I played around with resisitive and capacitive loading on my phono stage. The ART9 seems to sound a bit clogged at 100 ohms loading. It sounds much more open and unrestricted at 450 ohms but I also had to add 1nf capacitance to make it ... 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
I actually felt the complete break in took about 100 hours. Around that time I felt that the cartridge has disappeared completely without letting any discernible signature of its own left in the playback chain. No more did I feel I could describe ... 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
Hey thanks again Oregonpapa. It feels great to see that something I learnt turned out to be helpful to fellow audiophiles too. In this hobby where everything is subjective, very few such components appear in the scene that has such universal appea... 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
1.8 grams 
Turntable recommendation for under 6k
Fjn04, you are right. It is a modded Jelco with better wiring and such goodies. 
Turntable recommendation for under 6k
Check out the Avid Volvere with a Jelco tonearm or Dr.Feickert Woodpecker with the Feickert 10" tonearm. Both are superb TTs with great dynamic range and musicality. 
Solder for ank legend monoblocks?
How about WBT solders ? 
Harbeth vs JM Reynaud
Taters, you are spot on!Harbeth being neutral is an oxymoronI moved from dynaudio to ATC for further neutrality and even truer dynamic range.