

Responses from ozzy62

Wendell Diller: "You don't wanna put a subwoofer with a Magneplanar; it doesn't work."
I owned Danny's Super V loudspeakers a few years ago. Probably some of the best bass I've encountered in my room. I would still have those speakers but not for the fact that the P Audio coaxial driver was not nearly good enough to pair with the wo... 
Great service from HSU Research
Very happy with my ULS-15 subs that I bought new from HSU. I haven't needed service after the sale, but the service during the process was top notch.      
Sideways move?
From my experience with Decware, I say buy more efficient speakers. There is something about the sound of a Decware amp when it's properly matched to the speaker.      
Bookshelf speakers on a bookshelf (Sad)
@mduffy18d  I think it's good that you have a sense of humor about all this and are able to keep your chin up. Very admirable.      
Bookshelf speakers on a bookshelf (Sad)
Duette's wont work in a shelving/cabinet unit. They work fine close to wall but no way in a cabinet.  I guess I missed the part about them being inside the cabinet. Not many speakers work well in those conditions. It would probably have to be s... 
Bookshelf speakers on a bookshelf (Sad)
Ozzy, you arent kidding.  3 kids, moving to new state, wife didnt want to, etc etc.  I got what I got.  LOL Ok, so now that we've established that. I like the idea of the Wilson Duette. Your situation is kind of what they were designed for.  
Bookshelf speakers on a bookshelf (Sad)
There are so many red flags in the original post. wife killed my stereo ambitions She sold my B&W 802s when we moved You, sir, have bigger fish to fry than a stereo system........  
Turn down the Volume!
@mijostyn Agree about the room. But pics of the system AND room could be helpful. I am having a hard time grasping the concept of listening to "girl with guitar" music at the same level as I would The Screaming Females.  
Toolshed Amps 300b Stereo Amp
Looking forward to your report. I too am awaiting a custom amp that's been in the works for almost six months now. It is a single ended KT-88 amp. I hope to have it sometime next week. Good luck!  
Turn down the Volume!
@onlyqualityhifi  That's all well and nice. But if you make such an assertion as you did, you'll get far more people willing to entertain the idea if they know what equipment you are using for music playback. You might not accept this, but it's t... 
When a budget speaker is preferred to a high end one...
dgluke 98 posts 07-31-2022 at 12:48pm  Considering the inordinate amount of garbage stockpiled into a Harbeth bookshelf speaker (like there was a contest to see which network could be the most complicated piece of junk anyone could produce on ... 
Troubleshooting Fosage Signature phono amp.
As much as I loved the sound of the Fosgate, it was noisy so I moved on. I hope you can figure out your issue.      
Turn down the Volume!
@onlyqualityhifi  I think most of us would appreciate it if you would create a system profile and post details and pics.  
Denafrips Pontus II vs Venus II
Those of you who are using a reclocker, are you streaming from a PC or a dedicated streamer? Alvin alluded that when using something like a Lumin streamer, the DDC might not be such an improvement. Just curious.      
Carey SLP-98
I agree with @blisshifi , the Cary is not resolving. Very tubey if that’s what you like. I brought one in around 2000 to try and I greatly preferred the AI Modulus 3a I had at the time.