
Responses from ozfly

The best speaker you ever heard?
Khrys, yeah I think I heard about those. They're really something: Night and day difference! ;-) 
A personal challenge
Fantastic Jeff! I quit in my 20's and have never looked back, but it has to be a lot harder the longer you smoke. Good luck with it -- it certainly seems like you've got the facts and they're plenty scary. Congratulations. 
Essay bashing Primedia, Stereophile - and Audiogon
Rant and rave, rant and rave. What can we learn from this? We may spend a bit too much time on the "new" since the old has much to offer. But frankly, Audiogon does more good than harm. Members are very open to questions about midfi, hifi and ultr... 
What is the best tweak?
Room acoustics is very important and can be very expensive (is that a tweak?). I've found that speaker cables are critical to the sound of a system so that would be #2 (could also be pretty expensive). For lower cost tweaks, isolation devices on c... 
Julian Hirsch dies
Couldn't have said it better. He was the reviewer who mattered as I was growing up and growing into this hobby. He was fair and consistent and helped shape the audio world. 
New Damper material
rp1, true ... but the mice will never carry off the fruitcake! (LOL Xiekitchen. Actually, LOL everyone!) 
New Damper material
Food products: A whole new world for audio. Sgr's vacuum packer is a good idea if you go the real meat route. But I'm thinking "what won't spoil no matter how long it sits out?" Well, 'tis the season. The answer's right in front of us. I'm thinkin... 
Low-Fi Experience
"Lo Fi" is improving. I'm pretty impressed with the ease of the sound coming from nice car systems and from some inexpensive home systems. Is the imaging, soundstaging, smooth response, natural bass or thrill of a live performance there? Nope. But... 
keeping collection organized?????
Elgordo, it's probably best to have forgotten that ;-) 
keeping collection organized?????
No, though a palm pilot with the list would be good -- I have purchased a cd to bring it home and find that I already own it! You can bet my spouse noticed that one. My memory isn't quite as fine as it once was, or at least as I remember it ;-)Cur... 
Guilty Pleasures
German Drinking Songs! Nothing like 'em. 
Best name in audio?
There are some great store names out there but I've not run into any in Audio. My wife and I were driving in the country one day and came across a hair salon named "Curl Up and Dye". Anyone else come across some cool names? 
What does Flat Earth mean in audio circles?
So I don't fall into Dmason's definition of same, I will happily stand corrected by Jack n roberts note. This does demonstrate how language changes and how muddled some of our definitions can be. Whenever I've run into the flat earther term, the c... 
What does Flat Earth mean in audio circles?
Some folks who make very good audio equipment may still be flat earthers -- although very sophisticated ones. I've read of a highly regarded speaker manufacturer who doesn't believe speaker cables make a difference (can't remember which one). I'm ... 
Another funny post
Gotta give credit for full disclosure. I wonder how one goes about scuffing both tweeters?