
Responses from ozfly

Help me find it again
Lots of great advice. Speaker cable, as mentioned by Sean, can make a huge differnce -- especially for the thin high end. Try MIT as well (Joe Abrams is a good person with whom to work) -- free trial. Subs are a good idea with a room that big. I w... 
speaker placement..
Hi Tobias. I owned both the CS2.3's and the CS6's -- they each had a first order cross-over (i.e., a 6 dB per ocatve slope). My understanding is that all Thiel designs utilize this cross-over (combined with wide bandwidth drivers) to avoid phase s... 
speaker placement..
If the arch is 5 feet from the front wall and 3-4 feet from the front of your speakers, it sounds like you have the speakers right up against the wall now (the SC-IV's are 18 inches deep). This usually results in exagerated bass (and these speaker... 
Is it possible to shield unshielded speakers?
Normally, you can unscrew the speakers from the front of the cabinet. I have not tried this, but I wonder if you can reach in and arrange some heavy duty aluminum foil on the side of the cabinet facing the tv. It would probably help if the foil co... 
Cables for Bryston 4B SST and Linbrook Monitors?
Audition everything before you buy (money back guarantees fairly standard on new cables). Having said that, I would recommend MIT speaker cables (even used ones can have a warranty if purchased through Joe Abrams or, perhaps, others). For cables, ... 
Hours sitting around just listening to music?
I spend many hours listening to the system every week ... but I'm only in the sweet spot for a few. That's fine by me. First, it's nice to know that I can immerse myself whenever I'm in the mood. Second, a fine system should, IMO, sound very good ... 
Ryan Adams-more than hype
I'll check it out. Parts of your description also reminds me of Gus Black (Uncivilized Love). As you know from other posts, I believe that to be a superb album (for a review, see http://www.performingsongwriter.com/pages/70/reviews.cfm ) Thanks ag... 
Records of the Year 2003
1> Uncivilized Love by Gus Black -- fabulous song writing, very good recording and extremely musical A huge gap appears before going on to the next group, in no particular order:- Bare by Annie Lennox- Audioslave by Audioslave (it was very late... 
Las Vegas "THE" alternative show?
Wow, that's quite a list of exhibitors! Plus, they have bigger rooms? That does sound like the place to go. Are the crowds any smaller? 
New $500 "best" phono stage?
Might be Michael Fremer from Stereophile. He has reviewed a number of tube/analog products. Paul, you have a very nice low cost phono preamp. The only other ones I know of that might be pretty good at or about that price range are the EAR, the Gra... 
Anyone Blow a Release Valve on Power Caps?
Thanks guys. Herman, since my amp is rated at 600w into 8 ohms, I'm hoping that the formula you mentioned allows for an additive wattage. Four of these caps at about 150 w each would cumulate to 600w. If it's not additive, I'll have to talk to the... 
Girlfriends and wifes, how do YOU cope?
Welcome to the 'Gon Darla. I look forward to hearing more from you in the future. By the way, those air mattresses with the electric blow up pump attached to them are very comfortable. If you sell your furniture, save enough money to buy one of th... 
At what level does analog beat digital?
Psychicanimal, I would love to get a Teres someday. I honestly believe a superb analog rig would be great in my system. But, $4,000 - 6,000 for the turntable, $3,000 for the tonearm, add the cartridge, add a great phono preamp and you are in the r... 
At what level does analog beat digital?
I may have led a sheltered life, but I've not heard a lower cost turntable/phono pre-amp combination that lights my fire to the degree that a similarly priced digital system does. The analog system requires the turntable, tone arm, cartridge and p... 
Are today's interconnects really better?
I owned the Emeralds and upgraded a couple of times -- first to a much lower cost Phoenix Gold and then to a used Acoustic Zen. Both were better in my system to my ears. Is that because they are newer? Can't answer that one for certain, but probab...