
Responses from ozfly

Need help on power supply caps
The voltage rating makes a big difference in terms of size and may not provide you that much more in terms of performance. 10,000uf capacitors in a 50-60 volt range may fit your amp. Any way you could check out the size difference and trade them i... 
Thoughts on my speaker search...kind of long......
Nice summary. I absolutely agree it is critical to listen at home -- the acoustics will be very different than that at the store. At the same time, folks will want to be aware that, in a good listening room, the sound they hear at the store may be... 
Shall we keep or sell our NAD 3150?
Hi Esther. The 3150 is a nice unit from everything I've read and judging from other NAD's I've heard. It's worth about $150 -- though it can show up for less. You may want to check to see how old it is, but it could be 20 years old -- that means t... 
Aerial 10T Beware? Another Look & Buyer's Guide
Wow! If the content of your message isn't enough to convince folks of your love for the 10T's, the 2000+ word length of your note should certainly convince anyone ;-) You raise an interesting point about the real differences among various speaker ... 
Am i going to blow everything up..... ?
Tony, you may want to contact some of the folks who have both HT and stereo systems listed in the virtual systems area (I'd start by browsing the HT part to see who does both). They may have some great tips for you.The tone and flavour are what ne... 
Am i going to blow everything up..... ?
Your surround processor should work as a preamp for the amp you are considering. However, please be sure to check that the output impedence of the processor is much less (e.g., 5-10 times less) than the input impedence of the amp. Chances are that... 
Montana Speakers? Have they fizzled out?
Inspex, I owned the KAS's for a long time and never had a problem but it sounds like you are certainly having one. The Aragon 3005 should drive it pretty well -- at least on paper. I'm interpreting your post as saying that your amp blows fuses or ... 
Why so much????
1) Too much is when all the great music is purchased and one is then buying only mediocre music (to his/her ears) -- I suspect that is in the thousands somewhere.2) Great music is its own reward -- that's why I am in the hobby. 3) Absolutely. Othe... 
Montana Speakers? Have they fizzled out?
FYI -- the WAS's for sale are older so have different cross-overs than the newer WAS's. For full disclosure, this is per someone affiliated with Montana. It always pays to listen before buying, if possible. 
Montana Speakers? Have they fizzled out?
Maich, I know what you mean. I just hope they find a good home with someone who loves them ;-) 
Montana Speakers? Have they fizzled out?
Oh my gosh! If all is well with those WAS's for sale, grab them! Grab them now! That's a fantastic price for speakers that are absolutely incredible. I own the WAS's and find them to be smooth throughout the range -- they pick up details and provi... 
Speaker position
That's very close to the wall so you will get accentuated and bloated bass from any speaker I've heard. Based on my experience (and I hope there is some magic answer out there from someone with exactly the right experience), I'd suggest smaller mo... 
How do you know if a cable is neutral?
Yeah, what Bigtee said. Very cogent and accurate response to a great question! At the end of the day, there's only one (or two if your partner is also into it) opinion that matters: yours. Neutral becomes the reality you seek. 
How do you determine how much to spend on speakers
Krayzeeyk, this thread is getting close to 3 years old. Just curious: Have you purchased a system? How is it working out? 
Why even bother?
Thanks Doug, for the very detailed response. I guess it's time for some deep sea fishing now ;-)