
Responses from overthemoon

Whats on your turntable tonight?
Wish you were here - Pink Floyd  
Simaudio 340 i hard to beat for the $$
I like Moon products- I agree with some of @ghdprentice  comments that you may want a bigger jump.    The 340i is a great value for the dollar and the 600i is wonderful sounding but not sure if it’s just an incremental versus step change. I don’t... 
I just moved and insurance
agree with ghdprentice I called my insurance company and even though I have a high value policy for my watches - they stated my stereo equipment is covered so I have receipts scanned on google and pictures for details on brand, model and SN so th... 
Top turntables under $2k
There's a lot of excellent options.  I highly encourage you to research and listen.  I personally own a Rega turntable because I tend to believe the philosophy of low mass; and I know VPI makes some excellent turntables...   Enjoy the process.  
We should reject hard-to-drive speakers more often
@bdp24 I'm appreciating your comments and I've heard DeVore speakers and the SuperNines sounded awesome.  There are so many excellent speakers available, so when I saw the price the speakers didn't make there way into my home. To be fair there's ... 
We should reject hard-to-drive speakers more often
The market is pretty efficient at selecting products folks buy or don’t.  How would you propose increasing the rejection rate of hard to drive speakers? Isn’t this a hobby for enjoying and can anyone else really judge the best speakers for someon... 
Moving on from Parasound P5 Dac or Preamp
I’m unclear on your goals and I will share what my goals were and how I solved it - during my upgrade path I explored upgrading my DAC- Moon 280D.    I replaced it with a Moon 390 - it’s a preamp, streamer/DAC with a phono stage. Great piece and ... 
Power cords known to produce good bass
In my experience - where I upgraded speaker cables, interconnects and then power cords - the lower end frequencies became clearer.  The details were more evident and my interpretation is the noise was eliminated (I have shunyata power cords).    
Your suggestions: Headphone + DAC/Amp combo?
@johnau I started with the chord mojo because the portability.  I have travelled significantly for work and sometimes am away from home weeks at a time.  I personally tend not to watch TV or listen to music on the road because (a) music selection/... 
Your suggestions: Headphone + DAC/Amp combo?
@johnau The difference is night and day...and so is the cost. The Chord is wonderful for escaping with music where ever you are.  I can enjoy music where ever I am.  It's a step up from a headphone jack on a quality preamp. The Moon envelopes ... 
What's up with lousy bass on classic rock recordings?
I think it may be the recording or even desired sound - I have Boston, LPs, DSD files and can stream lossless and they sonic characteristics are very close yet Boston doesn't have the bass line of Jazz I listen off of Linn Jazz.  
Newbie question - dedicated headphone amp or is my McIntosh MA352 sufficient
@soix hopefully Elmer Fudd is preoccupied  
Whats playing on your system today?
Boogie with Stu…Led Zeppelin   
How do you stop house guest from damaging your speakers?
I am surprised - I have never had to say don’t touch.    I invite folks over and perhaps it’s the area rug creating an a border but folks comment but don’t touch and are surprised at the clarity and detail of music when they sit in the sweet spot.   
Requesting upgrade advice
How is the turntable isolated- a HRS platform was really impactful in my space.