
Responses from noske

Law of Accelerated Returns
@asctim And what I said about changing just one thing at a time in audio being tricky is indeed illustrated by your experience. The two amps are quite different in many of their characteristics. I know Topping are very committed to being "transp... 
Law of Accelerated Returns
@asctim Yes, what you say has a lot of merit.. Normally, marginal, or incremental, return is easiest to understand if only one thing is changed at a time. Even that can be tricky with audio. Should something else be changed as well, like knowle... 
An Objective Review of the Tekton Double Impact Speakers
@philbarone My friend used to write for an audio magazine,  he got all his gear for free and told me that reviews are BS, based on attracting advertising dollars.   Is this fact not universally known?  That word that is used, "review", is so co... 
Law of Accelerated Returns
@onhwy61 I just think the concept of accelerated returns in audio reproduction is false. I find it interesting that nobody has offered actual examples of it happening. Your thoughts are 100% correct. So, that nobody has (or can, or ever will) ... 
Law of Accelerated Returns
@djones51 If you don't think diminishing returns applies to this first world hobby then you haven't the slightest idea what diminishing returns means.  And to clarify the issue, the principle is actually called the law of diminishing *marginal*... 
Is there a solid fuse-like item that I can use in place of a fuse, to bypass it?
do we have to ascribe some cakyol approved physical explanation for the propulsion system used by the mysterious flying objects detected by USAF combat aircraft before they are deemed real ? Isn’t that analogy just a deliberate oversimplificati... 
Is there a solid fuse-like item that I can use in place of a fuse, to bypass it?
UL certification is not legally required in America.  There may be commercial considerations, and perhaps some codes may require it, though. I understand that Underwriters Laboratories is a non-profit organisation dedicated to testing the safety... 
Isolation Feet for Laptop
@ghdprentice After nearly twenty years of experimenting with digital streaming I concluded the only way to good sound is through a purpose built streamer........If you are seriously looking for better sound, buy a dedicated streamer.  I thank y... 
Ridiculous resale price of vintage equiment
The discussion on what constitutes "value" is centuries old. I won’t go there. @cleeds provides the one most are familiar with, and is accepted in a wide variety of circumstances. But to clarify in the context of this thread, that a market price... 
Ultimately, there is no debating opinions. The only thing that can be debated are facts Actually, its the other way around. and on that basis, there can be no denying that class d on an objective basis performs superlatively. The words "per... 
Ridiculous resale price of vintage equiment
In general, I suspect that the inflation genie has been let out of the bottle.  It manifests itself inconsistently. Second hand items are generally not included in official inflation figures (that may depend on the country).  
Isolation Feet for Laptop
@guakus I deleted my post because what I do probably isn't wise for some people in some unusual circumstances where all bets would be off anyway.  I elevate my  lappie a bit to accommodate natural air flow...  
Are Your Ears Good? Simple Test For Your Ears
Gotta also squeeze ya eyes shut.  
Is there a solid fuse-like item that I can use in place of a fuse, to bypass it?
Are you an employee at what was the AKM semiconductor factory in Japan? .."Oh, this might be an idea, someone on AudioGon said they used to do this back in 'Nam..."  
If you want the utmost clarity from your CDs
@clearthinker I explained in my previous post that replacing 1-2 bits in a million will be inaudible. And I’m just expanding on the OP’s use of the word palpable in describing the item being promoted. One must explore every superlative employed...