
Responses from noske

Amir and Blind Testing
But, wait - how do you evaluate the results of each test? How do the tests correlate to the SQ characteristics most important to you? There are some tutorials available (both written and video) to help understand what the tests mean and therefo... 
Amir and Blind Testing
Amir is the high priest  He is also a French-Israeli singer and songwriter.  A man of many talents.    
Amir and Blind Testing
He also knew that a new piece of equipment might sound spectacular at the onset, only to become fatiguing after a few hours or even days, no matter how "good" the measured data were. This fatigue aspect is an issue with audio.. Not just with au... 
Amir and Blind Testing
I remember reading somewhere (and now I forget where) that A/B testing relies on our short term memory, which isn't the best method. Relying on short term memory could prove problematic for certain individuals in some demographics. Would you m... 
Toilet Paper to Vacuum Tubes
Why did you hoard toilet paper?  This has always been a mystery to me.  
Amir and Blind Testing
I read somewhere Amir is a famous Egyptian movie star who grows prize winning watermelons in his spare time. It's a confirmed fact. This anecdote has merit as a credible and verifiable snippet of gossip (for the erudite, technically known as he... 
Amir and Blind Testing
Neither of those hypotheticals would explain why a cable might not meet expectations, as, according to many, they shouldn’t make any difference at all! My two possibilities are clearly not the only reasons, I just threw in a couple suggestions.... 
Amir and Blind Testing
But if it were so simple, and the bias so strong, then why have I, and countless others, no doubt, been disappointed with components when the opposite would be expected? If what has been promoted was marketing and snake oil and the earth didn’t... 
Amir and Blind Testing
Following this logic, which I agree with, wouldn’t blind testing, or any A/B testing be compromised because our brains are always in analytical mode and therefore feeding us inaccurate data? The data is the signal. The brain is what does the an... 
Class A or Class D solid-state amplifiers (modern designs)
What is TCO?  
Class A or Class D solid-state amplifiers (modern designs)
If you are able, perhaps make your way to Axpona in April where you will be able to audition a variety of many of the amps currently available and perhaps engage in meaningful social intercourse with the designers. Even within Class D there are d... 
Class-A Amplification and 15 Amp Outlet
@carlsbad if you think all an amplifier needs is the power to drive the average wattage on the spec sheet, then you can power most amps with a lamp cord. I am totally not sure about this advice as lamp cords supply lights which these days are j... 
Class-A Amplification and 15 Amp Outlet
@carlsbad  There does often seem to be a lot of handwaving happening going on sometimes whenever some little bit of quite simple maths is required.   It is quite relevant to any discussion of power cords, judging from the abundant confusion demon... 
Turn it up...?
Someone sneaks in and turns the volume down at night with the remote so you don't notice..  They are trying to sleep.  
Paul Klipsch was right - What the world needs is a good 5 watt amplifier
I didn't know speakers rated at 110dB or greater existed.  What am I missing out on?