
Responses from noske

Looking for warm tube preamp (should pair well with Pass power amp), budget $6000
I’m considering a bespoke pre with two 6SN7s driving the output transformers, with tube rectifier and choke. No capacitors in the signal path. More research needed as to the import of this, as others mention capacitors.  
Best unplugged live
I didn't care much for Clapton's effort.  I found myself cringing.  I'm sure I am alone in this; perhaps I'm missing the point.  
Amir and Blind Testing
@djones51 Mine flanks the TV as I don’t really have anywhere else to put the speakers. I didn’t say, but same here, 2ch stereo HT. I’m comforted to know that it has no measurable effect. (On a 6 foot long table from a school chemistry classroom... 
Amir and Blind Testing
@chayro OK, granted, I stand corrected. I didn’t know that. I wonder what kind of gear they used at discos? Incidentally, I do notice from some pics here that some folk still do have their setups flanking the TV, perhaps for home theatre reasons.  
Amir and Blind Testing
@chayro We had tons of equipment back in the 70s with the lowest measurable distortion possible. One of the founding principles of high end audio was to prioritize sound over specs. Perhaps (I thought it was more like the early 80s, and as alwa... 
Amir and Blind Testing
@rtorchia But, if one has spent a small fortune thousands on cables high-end audio gear one may well be hostile to Amir and measurements, and insist that one hears auditory phantasms.  Quite so (along with your other observations), and I took t... 
Why do I need power management if I have a great power cord?
@hilde45 People who say it’s all snake oil raise two questions for me: 1. Do you think that these cords and conditioners have just been fooling everyone for decades? And they are too stupid to realize it and too deluded to know that they are not... 
shiit Freya+ muffles the base? Recommendation for preamp please
I have always liked the sound of B&W. So I recently upgraded my speakers to 804s. ...Strangely, the bass was not satisfying or full enough for me, even though it is a big speaker. ...Again, here, the bass was the weak point. was the... 
Why is most everything remastered?
@voodoolounge .Ahhh, the reason why my Zeppelin II Ludwig mastered vinyl skips. I used to really want one of those.  Now I'm not that fussed. I have, somewhere, a version of the 1812 Overture that I haven't played for so long I can't remember ... 
Schitt freya preamp hum- how do I get rid of this?
I understand anecdotally that Schiit had some quality issues (either build,or design or both, whatever) in the past but that this has been largely resolved and they have been spitting out some affordable and robustly engineered products recently. ... 
Further to the false economy concept, there is the saying "I’m not rich enough to buy cheap things". This may appear to be a paradox. Think.  
Russian tube supply issues
@malibu457 libu why can’t the U.S. start making audio tubes? Someone in America could start making tubes, of course they could. However there are already a few established manufacturers supplying a relatively small market. There is even some ... 
In my experience customer service from China has been invariably good - very polite, and prompt. Issues with tubes present some issues and I’d be a bit circumspect too if I was a vendor, knowing the tricks some people get up to. Having said that,... 
Schitt freya preamp hum- how do I get rid of this?
my experience has been terrible with with this brand. In fact the only returns I got for over 2 years (with probably over 250 6SN7 pairs sold for other components during this time) both came from this preamp. In two years you replaced the tubes... 
Amir and Blind Testing
’Jesus Christ-Lust For Glory’ Huh?