
Responses from noske

Schiit Freya + Class A in Stereophile
Running an amp into an amp seems likes a huge compromise in sound, and running the Freya+ in passive SS mode negates the tube benefits. Others may wish to comment on the first part of that sentence, but in the meantime I suggest you look elsewh... 
Schitt freya preamp hum- how do I get rid of this?
If you consider that you have a faulty product, the best thing to do is to let the company know and they will do what good American companies always do. They actually want to know if they are shipping defective products so they can fix any qualit... 
Schiit Freya + Class A in Stereophile
@cromodora You can start a thread about credibility of magazine reviews I reckon that there is an oxymoron somewhere in that sentence.  That would be my contribution to any discussion on the issue, and is still about ten words too many.  
Schiit Freya + Class A in Stereophile
 its' pretty impressive that a 1000 preamp is put in the same category as 50K and up.  I can't really believe that the Freya + is that good.  I can.  Knowledge is power. This is, however, not a comment about the merits or otherwise of Stereoph... 
Amir and Blind Testing
@daveinpa And i'm sure you can have crappy measurements and it does sound great. But its nice to see good measurements for something you've spent a lot on. I wouldn't even go as far as saying that its nice to see *good* measurements for somethi... 
Amir and Blind Testing
@redlenses03 Actually, it was a mistake to even respond to this topic, No, I would welcome an impartial review and assessment of ASR. One which is inherently hostile to the approach only serves to alienate interested people seeking truths. The... 
Amir and Blind Testing
What companies making novel and robust audio equipment are being stifled? Should they currently - be a company - making product - with a known brand name they are probably already in the public domain, displayed at a store nearby alongside ... 
Amir and Blind Testing
@mijostyn The result of all this is an entire industry based on deception. As long as it is not my money why should I care?  Two ideas there - of course it is none of anyone's business about the spending proclivities of people outside of your p... 
Amir and Blind Testing
@redlenses03 His methods have been debunked numerous times, depending on where you sit in obj vs sub viewpoint. Why should the legitimacy of methods used for the purpose that they are intended depend on where you sit? To advocate such a view i... 
The panic selling of tube audio had begun.
And look, to put things in perspective, you can still buy some tubes for less than the cost a few sessions in therapy.  
Amir and Blind Testing
@bruce19 But much of the audiophile pursuit is just pushing boundaries a few percent or less at a time. That is where the really big money gets spent and ironically that is where data is almost never presented. Yes - step outside the echo chamb... 
Amir and Blind Testing
people who refuse to use their senses and rely on tech measurements, exclusively This is focusing on tools, and ignoring another variable - preferences. An analogy. Two people like red cars - same preferences. One will investigate the propert... 
Amir and Blind Testing
@reven6e Actually it was just a simple request, not an invitation to provide a summary on all the good things about ASR that audiophiles are uncomfortable with. I'm also not familiar with the whole Matrix/spoon philosophy - do you have links at A... 
Amir and Blind Testing
So now I’m back thinking that going in paying attention to how you feel listening to the component rather than listening is likely a better way to test gear.  And so we are back to square one.  This is exactly what audiophiles often do, and wha... 
Amir and Blind Testing
@reven6e And guess what: he could clearly hear a difference. His wife could hear a difference.  Please supply a link to this video review.  I'd enjoy watching it, not least because I've not witnessed Amir bringing his wife in for a hearing expe...