
Responses from noske

Those who seek to deny access to information
@larry5729 I think it would be helpful if Audiogon identified members as vendors/retailers beside their name. This is unnecessary and anyway would be a tremendous burden on AG. I just take it as a presumption that anyone and everyone who provi... 
Those who seek to deny access to information
@holmz If we can get one factual post or measurement with a cable or fuse With a little bit of digging there exists more than sufficient measurements and certifications (if necessary) available about cables and fuses from responsible and reputa... 
Those who seek to deny access to information
@wolf_garcia Exactly how does anyone on this site "deny access to information" to another poster? Ask if there is any irony in the intent of the OP’s post. The answer may be too nuanced for some.  Others were born with a capacity to think.  
CD transports; do they really matter
@charles1dad Pro-Ject specifically wanted a small footprint package (Their "Box" concept). Adding an internal LPS they reasoned is inevitably going to increase the physical package (Which they are seeking to avoid). OK, thankyou, I didn’t know ... 
Audio nonsense
In news just to hand, for everything there is a season.  Purveyors of all manner of out of Earth solutions are working on it. The Age of Aquarius foretells a shift beyond technological and medical innovations and calls for a better way of workin... 
Audio nonsense
@artemus_5 I actually experienced the Luxman. So you’ve had better? Non fungible tokens. They are something created in cyberspace and they have no intrinsic value except that people with too much money sometimes pay a lot of money for them and... 
Audio nonsense
@fatdaddy2 My new company will be selling audio NFTs, starting today.  They work, they really work. They'll make your system sound like it has never sounded before. Place your order now, before they sell out (and they surely will).  Don't miss ou... 
CD transports; do they really matter
From the review by Mr London - An audiophile who will spend $3,000 on a dedicated CD transport would be very motivated to spend a bit more to get the maximum performance out of the Box RS2 transport. .....I contacted Mark Schneider, owner of ... 
Audio nonsense
So much fodder for them... Thankyou for conceding the obvious. There is something not very fair about shooting fish in a bucket.  I yearn for a challenge.  
Audio nonsense
I at least owe it to myself to try it. I don’t have to understand how or why it works, I just need to try it and see if it works for me. Isn’t that what being an audiophile is about? This is something that children want to do at Disneyland or ... 
Audio nonsense
An Audiophile..The pursuit Of hi-fi perfection. How does that morph to a gullible idiot who gets sucked into the endless number of Yum Yums selling utter crap. In an upside down and inside out post-modern world where reality television is actua... 
Audio nonsense
1. You can’t know what will and will not work. Who exactly is "you"? Engineers and scientists may not be responsible for this blanket statement of fact.  
CD transports; do they really matter
And now I see that Terry London has written about this error of judgement in his review, but doesn't quite get to mentioning internal PS.   I'm currently trying to digest his word block, deliberately designed to make my three neurons fight with e... 
CD transports; do they really matter
@charles1dad I got a LPS about 5 or 6 weeks ago and its just improved to silly good level. At this price point I’m quite disappointed that Pro-Ject does not include an internal linear power supply. Should there be disadvantages with this appro... 
CD transports; do they really matter
Audiolab 6000CDT has a buffer which helps considerably MSRP ~ $700 I understand they are very good but I don't like slot loading.  Trays aren't much better. I'm so superficial.