

Responses from noromance

Your top 3 worst purchases ever
Thorens 318 - leaden, slow, dark, plodding. It did render wood instruments with a nice woody tone however.Mission Cyrus 2 - So bad, I can oniy assume all the rave reviews were written by maniacs. Everything sounded chromium and brash and digitized... 
Best Amp for Timbre, Depth and Spatial Resolution?
"Letters From Steve" ....LOL! 
How do you organize your LPs?
I hate seeing records stored like books! I have mine set up like a record store, by artist but in no particular order. That way I have to flip through them looking for stuff. Although I know where most are, I keep finding forgotten albums which is... 
Tube Mono-Block Recommendation
Just following this from the sidelines. Always a fan of AS and am delighted you are going this route. Well done and thanks for supporting a true legend. 
5751 Triple Mica - really that good?
Have a look at my virtual system. I've some comments on 5751 that I've tried. 
Speaker cable and brightness control
Try some 12 gauge MN mains cable. Don't nick the copper when stripping the sheath. Change the 2 12AX7 tubes in your CAL DAC for JJ ECC83S. Leave the whole lot on overnight to bed in.It'll cost you $30. 
Most achingly-beautiful music
Saint-Saëns - The SwanMelanie Safka - The Saddest SongRoy Harper - DaveyJanis Ian - StarsSweet Sixteen - The Fureys, The Old ManJoan Baez (cover) - Forever YoungAlbatross - Peter GreenLa Petite Fille de la Mer - Vangelis 
idler rumble, heat, and record wear--a connection?
If it is the motor running hot, replace the capacitor. 
idler rumble, heat, and record wear--a connection?
I figured it was motor heat. If it is indeed anything to do with friction in the bearing generating that much heat, it's new bearing time. Maybe the bearing or the ball bearing is toast and the rumble is coming from there. 
idler rumble, heat, and record wear--a connection?
Replace your idler wheel. I wouldn't say the warmth will cause any problems. Is the ROK in a massive plinth or a box? 
Considering 4 12AX7 Tube Types
I've a mini review of this subject in my system:http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?vopin&1360528209&openfrom&14&4#14 
Inexpensive way to play records
I use two for stereo. 
Best Budget Turntable & Best Overall Sound System
I knew a guy once who so loved the warm sound of his Grundig tube radio that he couldn't bear listening to his Well Tempered/Ortofon SPU/active tube Acoustat ESLs despite the fact that the LPs sounded an awful lot better. He just didn't like the d... 
Considering 4 12AX7 Tube Types
Cheap: JJs - warm and sweet.old - but awesome: GE 5751 black plate triple mica. 
Cables more hype than value?
Open question: what sounds better? All other things being equal, NM10/3 copper coming directly from the breaker box and terminated at the amp/source in an IEC plug OR NM10/3 terminating at a good quality recepticle with a $10,000+ power cord?