Responses from noromance
Can audiohile be done on the porch One of my neighbors insisted on playing public radio plays loudly at their pool oblivious to the possibility that no one else wanted to hear their taste in entertainment. A side of Black Sabbath Sabotage through a Vox AC30 got my point across. | |
turntable isolation feet Turntable sitting on 3 feet made up of a brass plumbing bushing ring sitting on a granite sample block. 2 at the back, 1 at the front. You could also place 3 of the rings under each block. Almost free and very effective. | |
Can audiohile be done on the porch Please consider that your neighbors may not want to hear your music. | |
Help for my return to vinyl -- $2K rig. Second the Croft Phono. Just roll out the JJs. | |
A speaker so loud it can kill you There are trucks with those cursed back up beepers louder than a sonic weapon outside my office. | |
Help for my return to vinyl -- $2K rig. Second thoughts: buy a used 401, a 12" Jelco arm and an Ortofon Bronze and order a plinth from the guy on eBay. Figure 800 for the deck, 700 for the arm and cable, 400 for plinth and 500 (or starter AT95 for 100) for cartridge. A bit of reading on... | |
Help for my return to vinyl -- $2K rig. Put down the $2k on the Garrard rig and the rest either on the credit card or work something out with the dealer. | |
NOS tubes For my Rhea Call Aesthetix. | |
What is my weak link? As long as you're happy, stay with it. Make sure you have good supports for the turntable and speakers. Try solid core 12 gauge mains cable on the speakers and upgrade your interconnects if using basic stuff. | |
Back to TT after 24 years Damn. Good post. | |
Spendor d7 vs st I'd go with the SP2/3. There are a pair on the bay at the moment. Good stands and well away from walls. | |
Tung sol 6550 tube smell?? What they said. Generally, if you look at the tube anode plates in a darkened room, they should not be glowing red, even slightly. | |
turntable mats: should I use one? I reviewed the Boston Mat2 in my system post. | |
Equalizers-Using to compensate for hearing loss Thanks for the info gentlemen. My paternal side goes hard of hearing with age so this will be on my radar in coming years. Best of luck. | |
New level of ridiculousness Anyone who can afford and rationalize such outlay for a powerstrip needs to seriously consider reviewing the salaries they pay their employees and spreading the wealth. Anyhow, I suppose at the extreme top end it must make a difference but it can ... |