Responses from noromance
arm choices for a Garrard 401 Just get a second Jelco and sell the Gyro/SME. | |
just an observation for comment I've been buying old Columbia,RCA,Decca records from the 50s and 60s because even though I may mot prefer to be listening to the soundtrack from Camelot, it sure as hell beats listening to some of the flat (digital?) crap coming out now. Wide open... | |
Decca London Gold cartridge nightmare My Super Gold was transformed when I got John Wright to fit a paratrace tip. Highly recommended. Works great in a 12" Jelco 750 on a 401. It was never happy in my LP12/ Ittok. | |
Decca London Gold cartridge nightmare These are the cartridges Audiiomods recommend: the Decca in your AM, it should work well enough. Track at 1.7 to 1.8. | |
When is a Listening Room Too Big Um, sell the house and give some money to charity?!Or but some big Tannoys or better yet Kinoshita RM-7V! | |
An integrated with a good phono Duh, I meant to say Croft Integrated. I have the Micro 25 pre. | |
An integrated with a good phono Croft Micro 25 | |
Thorens TD-316? I wouldn't. The arm isn't great. An Audio Technical 95e would be a better bet. | |
Thorens TD-316? I had the semi auto version, the TD-18. I found it sounded a bit leaden and plodding. If you like a smooth sound that sounds a little slow, it might suit. | |
What cartridge do I get now? OK, after some delays in the mail the refurbished Decca Super Gold came back with a new Paratrace stylus (and tie cord).Under the magnifying glass, the diamond looks very fine and thin after the rock that was there before. JW says it was 75% worn ... | |
RMAF 2013 - An Exhibitors perspective. Sounds like hard work but great fun. Better than working in a silent office all damn day. | |
Advice for new Integrated amp please. The new Croft Integrated from Acoustic Sounds. (I'm not affiliated with either. I own Croft gear) | |
How does one "Get lost in the music"? If this doesn't move you, sell the stereo. (kidding!) at Roy Harper's 70th birthday celebration at the Royal Festival Hall on 5/11/11) | |
How does one "Get lost in the music"? This calls for an axiom - if you have to ask, you don't know how. Really? If the music isn't moving you, you are listening to the wrong stuff. It's not about the stereo, it's about your interaction with the art. Surf YouTube and find new music. Wh... | |
How much heat from a tube amplifier? Get something like the YAQIN EL84 6P14 with smaller tubes. You could add a small quiet running fan and some vent holes.Disclaimer - use your common sense: possible fire hazard. |