Responses from noromance
Does anyone really need to spend 10k on power Taters, Ceteris paribus! I assumed people would understand all things being equal was implicit. However you make a valid point. Thanks. | |
What cartridge do I get now? Thanks for all the suggestions. I'm sending the Decca for a Paratrace tip to John Wright in the UK. It's a $400+ job and will take a few weeks. I'll update this post with the results. If it doesn't cut it, I'll try one of the options suggested. | |
Linn Sondek LP12 impressions Ha Lawrence, you should hear the colors when I'm rolling tubes! I swear I can hear the color of the plates! I thought that's what "colored" meant. | |
Does anyone really need to spend 10k on power Remember the rich have much more money than you can even imagine. $10k to someone making $1m a year is like someone making $50k spending $500. | |
looking at 2 phono pre amps There's an Aesthetix Rhea on the Gon for $2.5k | |
looking at 2 phono pre amps Croft Micro RIAA | |
What cartridge do I get now? Charlie, I spoke to John and am sending on the Decca tomorrow.Mr. Croft also advises keeping the Decca. Let's see how this plays out. | |
Linn Sondek LP12 impressions Served me well for decades. Valhalla/Ittok. But doing direct comparison with my 401, it is definitely colored. I find it adds a veiled dull orange to the midband and upper bass. Still, it's pretty musical. | |
Your top 3 worst purchases ever Huh? They're as viable and sound as many of the other comments. | |
What cartridge do I get now? Thanks Wc65mustang. I'm a bit nervous of ATs as they have a reputation for being bright and sterile..? I guess I mentioned wanting to keep the budget down, but... maybe I need to step it up as the mid-life crisis has arrived and I don't see a Came... | |
I need help diagnosing a sibilant problem on vinyl Damaged or worn stylus. Harsh tubes? | |
Review: Bob's Devices MC StepUp Transformer 1131 Blue SUT Tube preamp Great review... although it almost sounds like a dry solder joint making good!! | |
Review: Bob's Devices MC StepUp Transformer 1131 Blue SUT Tube preamp Great review... although it almost sounds like a dry solder joint making good!! | |
Your top 3 worst purchases ever Why are you not publishing my comments? | |
Your top 3 worst purchases ever Cyrus 2 - terrible,chromium coloration. Those who gave it rave reviews were maniacs. Lasted a week before being replaced with an Audiolab 8000 power amp.Audiolab 8000 preanp - dreary well reviewed colorless solid state. My T amp blows it away. I r... |