
Responses from ngjockey

Isolating CDP from weak wood floor
Automotive valve springs. Preferably, not performance ones. Glue them to a MDF, acrylic or marble top, to keep it from toppling over.Haven't tried this yet but my CDP will skip on bass notes if I turn up the volume. I just haven't turned it up tha... 
Promitheus Ref TVC and RWA Sig 30.2 Power Amp
The source(s) is/are more critical to a TVC, or any passive, than the amp. 
Infinity kappa 9 or kappa 9.2?
Biamping? I assume you meant with one amp for bass and one for mids/highs. I get confused with the vertical/horizontal terminology. Anyway, only marginal advantage that way. Power supply capacity is still determined by bass and intermodulation dis... 
budget component in high-end system?
I have some high-end stuff in my budget system.speaker cables - $1005KW iso - $100DIY preamp - $600amps - $9K (paid 3K)speakers - $30K (paid 6K) 
My soundstage is terrible. i need help bad.
HELLO..Hello..hello. Any chance of reversing that echo chamber and sitting on the opposite end? 
The best hifi magazine?
Bound for Sound for it's honesty and not trying to elite. Is it still around? 
Laid Back Speakers amps, players etc
Let's take a poll. Maybe we can find out what "musical" means too. ;)Classe30: Not familiar with Nola. ML, Maggies, IRS and Genesis are the dipoles I've spent some time with. 
Laid Back Speakers amps, players etc
We do NOT have a consensus on the meaning.I did not infer any tonal qualities at all. Although there probably is a relation between the presentation of the soundstage and frequency, harmonics, and many other factors, I have yet to isolate the comm... 
Magnepan 3a's with two bridged krell 1000wpc 8ohms
Overkill? What's that? Funny thing about Maggies is that if you overfeed them, they they don't get fatter. 
Laid Back Speakers amps, players etc
I also use that term to describe a sound with less tendency to "bloom" along with the dynamic transients. It certainly doesn't mean reduced dynamics, just more stability. The antonyms could be "forward" or "aggresive". A "laid back" soundstage wou... 
not impresed with my system
The weak link would seem to be the speakers. Very good for HT though. 
Treatments or therapy - what on earth.. funny
Medication required. That's audio compulsive disorder. 
Comments per Brand in Discussion Forums
It's a conspiracy. Unspoken, unwritten agreements to not talk or write about certain brands. They're keeping secrets about the really good stuff to keep it to themselves. You know... THEM.More seriously, Human nature is assuming that whatever path... 
Wise audio aphorisms
"'re confusing reality with realism." 
In your opinion, what is Hi, Medium and Low end?
Gogirl, I'll be serious for a moment, Yes, it does take time and more than you'll ever learn by just reading these forums, although they can help too. The biggest learning curve is knowing what you like and what you are willing to compromise, or n...