
Responses from ngjockey

Genesis servo-bass amplifiers
No, not a hiccup in 2 years. I'm running at a 65 setting and often play really loud and I've never felt the amp get warm. Probably something wrong with the bias adjustment or a bad output transistor. Do a search and find a good tech because GAT ch... 
Are planar speakers less prone to room interaction
Good responses so far. Line sources are not immune to side wall reflections but seem more forgiving than typical point sources. All I can add is that line arrays (Selah, Pipedreams) have a similar radiation pattern to panels and that there are als... 
Long speaker cables - cost vs performance
Talk to Carl at Ultimate Cables. He can customize any size you need and the cost is low enough that the experiment is worthwhile. You could even double up later if you want. 
XLRs = lower volume?
Most gear goes up 3-6 dB with XLR but I'm not familiar with your setup. 
Digital crossovers?
Selah Audio, which has a forum at audiocircle, can custom build a system using the DEQX. That's probably who Rives mentioned. Wouldn't surprise me that he wasn't trying to impress at a show. If I was DIY'ing or doing a kit, I would go with a DEQX,... 
Preference for large drivers?
I agree with Onhwy61 about total surface area. In fact, my current speakers have four 8" woofers per side and extend beyond 20 Hz with abundant SPL.As always, it's more complicated than just size. The drivers have to be designed for bass. If you w... 
Any new up & coming high end speaker lines?
I was looking at the Selah Audio site just the other day and they looked interesting. Have no idea what they sound like. The arrays have tube-friendly impedance while the floorstanders might have a bit more depth, particularly with the active woofer. 
Blues with piano and horn section
A lot of the piano blues falls into the "boogie woogie", "jump" or "barrelhouse" subcategories. Joe Turner performed with many on the list above.New Orleans: Dr. J... 
6 meters of balanced is ok to use with euphoria???
I've got 3M XLR out of my TVC with no problem but I also have 4.2V out of the CDP and passive-friendly amps. The Cardas cables are about 40 pF/ft, correct me if I'm wrong, which is neither high or low capacitance. Something like Nordost Blue Heave... 
classe, bryston fully balanced?
Some of the Classe's are balanced, including the CAM 350 and 400 along with the Omega series. Monoblocks are more likely to be differential because they're often adapted from stereo versions. The Plinius SA series can be bridged to a differential ... 
TVC Promethius versus Bent
Wired up my own TVC, using S&B mkIII's. They can be set up as autoformers, using only one side and I did try that after reading that method was better, espescially for lows. I didn't notice much difference but I can understand how it might hel... 
Difference between today and yesterday.
I would dispute that there has been much technological advancement in speakers, and even amplification, in 30 years. Sure, some components like capacitors and diodes are much better but the basics haven't changed much. With the exception of the Ma... 
Wisdom Audio - DCAB-1
No experience but...Looks like a great upgrade for Wisdom and adds that portability that was troublesome. The RTA feature isn't unique but it's a piece of the puzzle. It has an impressive amount of filters, including the notch for the ribbons. The... 
Difference between today and yesterday.
There are quite a few old speakers that have stood the test of time. In some ways, particularly in the lowest octaves, they were generally superior IMHO.Infinity RS, Kappa, IRS seriesDunlavyHalesApogee 
Speakers to hang on to for LIFE
As much as I love my Genesis 350's, I doubt if I'll hang onto to them forever. It's tough to find enough room for them. Eventually, I'll have to downsize and downgrade. Hopefully after my hearing is near gone ... and if I continue to play them at ...