
Responses from ngjockey

Best Amp for Genesis 4 tower spkrs; mid/tweeter
I'm running dual bridged Plinius SA100's with 350's. Combination might be a bit too laid back for some but that's the way I like it. Went through a few amps, including tubes but found bass integration a problem with anything less than the big behe... 
AC Power Cord Wire Gauge
Let's do the math.Take a stereo 100 W/ch amplifier, running in class A at 40% efficiency. That adds up to 500W draw. Much less than the 14Ga, 115V*15A=1725W capacity of the house circuit. Class A/B is more efficient and will draw varying current a... 
mono versus stereo ampflication
Nice to see a closure to a thread. I wish more were like that. 
Ultimate Cables
Wow, Mr T and I agree on something. Who da thunk. Haven't tried the IC's but the power cords and speaker cables contributed toward a silky smoothness without any significant loss. Carl is willing to make to order. 
A spousal revelation ... and a tall order. Help
Saw some Wisdom D75's listed for near your price range, with a bass amp. One of the very few elite speakers I've heard. Have you got the room to place dipoles 4' away from the back wall? 
Homemade sound panels
Pegboard will only act as a resonator if it is free to resonate and not touching anything, except at the edges. The holes mean that it cannot be sealed and damped, which is not critical but helpful. The idea being that movement is disssipated into... 
tvc vs avc
I did a DIY project using S&B 102 mk3's. I wired it in as an TVC switchable to AVC at first. Completely accidental, it was supposed to be a HT bypass. Scratched a few hairs out that day. Anyhow, I didn't notice much difference, just a bit more... 
External Crossover?
Active xovers mean seperate amps for each driver. There are a couple digital xovers/equalizers that are very adjustable but it's a steep learning curve. How much do you know about the manufacturer specs? 
What is your favorite material for loudspeakers?
Nanotubes. Haven't heard them yet though. 
mono versus stereo ampflication
Going from the Aragon 8008BB to either of the Pass models you mentioned with the VR4 Sr's might be disappointing in the bass and dynamics but would sound more refined in the mids and highs. The problem is the $8K budget for monoblocks. It can be d... 
Helped a friend with a stack of 1543's in a non-os, no brick wall dac. It had some wonderful qualities but never got it quite right and gave up tinkering. 
"Breathing" of the air
Agree with Atmasphere about the confusion in the "air".As far as "breathing", in vocals and particularly reed instruments, like sax, my experience leads me towards 2 and 3 inch soft dome mids first and planar ribbon mids second. It's a quality I d... 
Homemade sound panels
Silicone around the edges of the pegboard or it might vibrate or, better yet, avoid it. The pegboard is the same as the wall that you're trying to get away from. If the pegboard were in front and not touching anything, that would be a membrane but... 
Homemade sound panels
What kind of panels are you talking about? I've made some membrane panels and my only regret is that I didn't make them bigger. 6X3 instead of 4X2 would have doubled the material cost but that's insignificant to the labour and result. Membrane pan... 
power line conditioners...
An iso tranny also presents an inductive and capacitive load, when shielded, which should sound familiar with passive XO's. They can eliminate DC offset but aren't fond of it and can hum in protest.The general rule of sizing, in our case, is that ...