
Responses from newbee

How do I smooth out violins?
Along the lines of Brownsfan's comments on cable, which I suspect is fair comment. For a relative few bucks, you could buy Canare 11s4 speaker wire and Blue Jeans interconnect and for the near future eliminate cable issues as being a source of pro... 
Can't bias tubes on amplifier
I presume that this is the first time you tried KT88's and had not previously (before the first failure to bias) tried them. If that is the case, it is possible that the KT88 tubes you tried were just 'hot' tubes and that selection of selected/mat... 
can I get your input on a inexpensive pre-amp
I agree with Kbuzz. A used Joule Electra LA100 III would be a great 'used' tubed pre-amp. And, I think, does most every thing you want. 
How do I smooth out violins?
FWIW, since you seem to be dedicated to buying a tubed pre-amp I will restrain my self from comments on most other things, and comment on that issue.1) Be sure your selection is electrially matched to perform best with your amp, i.e. correct imped... 
Volume level of ARC Ref 5 seems very high
160562. HUH? Not serious Hifi? Pray tell what exactly is 'serious HiFi'?Two pre's - BS. The Rothwell is a simple resistor put in the signal path with lots of others. Nothing more or less. You sound like someone advocating spending mucho bucks to s... 
Volume level of ARC Ref 5 seems very high
I used Rothwells on my SP10 going into a Mesa Baron. The Mesa worked best with low gain and the Rothwell 10db did the job without noticible side effects. If your line section is quiet enuf you can use the Rothwells between the source and the pre-a... 
What Instrument would you listen to?
Solo piano for sure, an instrument I'm very familar with, live and recorded. But as you said, its not the only thing I listen to when auditioning stuff. 
can I get your input on a inexpensive pre-amp
Do you have a budget? What amp are you going to use? 
top Mahler on vinyl
Best? You jest! :-)But FWIW, on vinyl, Bernstein 60's cycle, 80's cycle, and not to be missed, his 1979 9th with the Berliner Phil on DG.Also Levine, Abbado, Tennstedt, and some even like Solti's.I hope you are not overlooking Digital, Mahler has ... 
PrimaLuna Prologue 5 and tube upgrades
FWIW I agree with David re EI 12AX7A's. These tube have a bit more gain than others, excellent clarity and extended highs. If you buy NOS make sure they are tested, and buy an extra in case you have a failure.I don't know what small tubes Primalun... 
It's time for a good CD player.
Consider the Marantz 8004. It gets great reviews, cost about $1000 new, and plays SACDs. I just bought it's big brother the SA11S3 and I'm impressed! And its not even broken in yet. 
cd player
Better I don't know, but FWIW I'm breaking in a new Marantz SA11S3 and I'm impressed. Compared to Wadia, Raysonic, and BAT units which I have connected it is more detailed without being harsh (no digititis). More body than the Wadia, less transpar... 
How do I smooth out violins?
Real 'live' violin sound is hard to hear listening to recordings, either massed or solo. To some degree you can simply charge this off to recording techniques, i.e. microphone placement. You usually are quite some distance from a violin when you h... 
Do not buy any Sonus Faber used
Mtrot, You may be right, and while Sumiko's policy sort of sucks, I think folks who buy really high end stuff that costs mucho dollars in the first place really arn't thinking much of resale value. That is an affliction of the poor(er) who rarely ... 
tube amp storage
By my experience several years has never been a problem with tube amps, large and small.