
Responses from newbee

EL34 tubes- alternates to matched octet for Primaluna HP dialogue premium
So long as you are using the same brand/type you won’t lose much, if anything, due to the auto bias circuit in the PL amp. FWIW you have much to gain by considering different small NOS tubes, but not so much, I think, when considering power tubes ... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
schubert,  'just takes a thousand changes'At least! :-) But you still need the 'perfect room', properly set up, and a perfectly recorded  piece of music. If that doesn't drill down the possibilities for obtaining the sound of real live music I mus... 
Question for tube aficionados
rvpiano, Check with CJ, but FWIW I can't think of a single reason why tube selection in the line stage would affect the performance of the tubes in the phono stage, except for the obvious one is that the phono stage signal passes thru the line sta... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
One of the downsides of elevating the performance level of an audio system is that one spends more time evaluating the system than actually listening to (and hearing) the music. Witness all of the devotion in this forum to components that are 'rev... 
Experimenting with Speaker Room Placement
Something to try to minimize the sidewall reflections. Toe in the speakers until the axis of the speakers cross well in front of your listening position. If that doesn't effect a reduction in sidewall reflections, your problem might just not be si... 
Question for tube aficionados
I think lowrider57 may be incorrect. The Mullards could be new production or old. The Yugoslavia 12AU 7's are definitely old stock. They haven't been inproduction for 20+ years. When this unit was first produced I don't think  new production Mulla... 
Experimenting with Speaker Room Placement
FWIW, your bass problems are likely a problem with placement of the speakers in a bass node. Or your listening chair is placed in a bass node, or both.I have a 13x19 ft room, have the speakers on the short wall out about 66 inches and about 96 inc... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
A couple of recording that I think worth mentioning in case someone is looking for something rarely heard but in both cases are very accessible neo-romantic music typically released by Chandos. I'm glad to have them in my collection.Symphony #2 by... 
headphones for tube system
It may not be ideal but since it appears your pre-amp has neither a 'tape output' or a 'pass thru' you will need to get a headphone amp and connect it to the low gain output. The downside is that you will be stacking volume controls. I don't know ... 
6L6 vs EL34
Perhaps tonal differences might depend on the brands of tubes we are comparing. I've mainly used SED 6L6GC's , SED EL34's, Tesla E34L's (both old pre war-stock and new) in Sonic Frontiers and Primaluna Dialogue amps. FWIW. 
6L6 vs EL34
+1 re jadedavid's comments. That's how they sound in my amps. The clarity that they offer can be addictive depending on your sources and speakers inherent sound. 
What Do You Think Of This?
What you may hear next from this fella is that sending it back is too big a PIA and he is willing to accept a further discount on the initial price and just keep it. Or not.....:-) 
noisy tube preamp
Rothwell -  stock 10db in-line attenuators should work just fine. No real downside unless you have ultra high end stuff and you are anal! :-) You can select other values if you want. Lot cheaper than trying to mod your pre-amp internally.  BTW, if... 
noisy tube preamp
Could be as simple as needing some very low noise tubes. Could also be too much gain for your amp/speakers and the 'noise' issues could be solved by using a fixed in-line attenuator. But that turn on 'buzz' and high frequency noise after 24 hours,... 
Audible Illusions remote control
I suspect, but do not know for a fact, that is has to do with the inclusion of the phono stage. He probably feels that the inclusion of a remote volume control would in some way degrade the phono output.