
Responses from newbee

Wadia think about expensive CD Players ?
Well, as much as I think speakers (and the amps used to drive them) are ultimately the most critical part of a system, 2nd only to the room in which they are used, I sure can't buy into minimizing the differences in CD players. But I will agree th... 
I'm Very SCARED - Please advise, Cartridge Drop
If you've finished set up and it sounds fine I wouldn't worry about it. I suspect if you had caused any real damage you would hear it right away. Don't do it again! :-) 
Old Digital vs New digital.
Well, if I had to guess, i'd guess that it has a lot to do with the phase we are going thru of adding up-sampling. Its interesting to note that many who have go this path arn't as happy as they thought they would be, there has been a number of tec... 
Speaker Choice for a larger room
Look at the Tyler line, some of his larger models might just well fit your description. The Woodmeres and the Linbrook Signatures, which I have, are excellent. 
Component that stopped the upgrade cycle cold?
How about and ARC SP10II bought in '84. The phono stage is still world class and the line stage is still as good as many available today. Since purchasing it I heard other ARC's, CAT's, CJ's and an MFA Lumi and haven't been tempted. If I ever brea... 
Ultimate challenge biggest bang speaker
I think they really started to come together after about 100 hours. The 1st to the 50th hours were an exercise in "boy, I may have made a mistake", and I would reposition them. I'm sure you've been there. I've got about 300 hours on them now and t... 
Ultimate challenge biggest bang speaker
A third vote for Tyler Acoustics. I just purchased and broke in a pair of Linbrook Signature Systems (1 piece) that he is selling as "used" (he has a Maple pair up for sale now) which will cost about 4K w/shipping. These are full range (flat to 20... 
amp for infiinity kappa 9
As I recall these speakers have a substantial dip into low impedences and are fairly inefficient. A friend of mine used to sell them and they really need a very powerful high current SS amp, although you might try a very high powered tube amp (rea... 
How Good Can Digital Get?
I always find these digital v analog threads interesting if for no other reason is that I can never figure out what purpose they serve. The catalog for both mediums are hardly duplicative and if you care about music that has been recorded in the l... 
"Analog" = bloated, rolled off, soft and mushy?
IMHO most of the comments made about the "sound" of any component are dependent on the system into which they are incorporated. If you have a system which leans toward warmth, as opposed to neutrality, then it would be expected that having a CDP w... 
"Analog" = bloated, rolled off, soft and mushy?
If you don't like what you hear from tubed CDP's you don't like it and you have a fair amount of company. As to right or wrong this is nothing more than the continual argument about SS v Tubes. Personally, I think most of the SS digital units I ha... 
millenium or revelation tweeter?
I just broke in a Linbrook Signature with the Seas Millenium - my other speakers have the Dynaudio Tweeter. I've not heard the Revelator, but what I have heard of it reminds me of similar comments about Dynaudio. The Seas is very smooth and natura... 
Low level res more inherent in tubes?
TWL, FWIW I just acquired a new integrated tube unit w/35WPC that I think was made by Fletcher-Munson for low level listening. :-) Its a "powerhouse" at low volumes and thats all I use it for - casual, low volume, listening. 
Low level res more inherent in tubes?
Rwbadley, FWIW my experience with Dynaudio's is that typical of a lot of dynamic speakers they really don't open up at low volume settings with any amps - including high power tube amps. At medium to high volume they are excellent to supurb depend... 
Best tool for cartridge alignment?
I second the Dennesen Soundtractor - its not only effective, it's very easy to use so long as your arm has a depressed point over the center of the shaft. I especially prefer this over systems that use two reference points.