
Responses from newbee

Cayin A88T break in and biasing??
Yep, your friends are right. You need to be able to handle biasing and, for me anyway, not being able to do it with the amp in place and connected to everything would be a PITA. Personally I prefer manual biasing amps which come with exposed bias ... 
Buzz/hum caused by new a electric lines
My personal experience. For a short time I ran all of my source equipment from dedicated lines with the amps on a seperate line thru an 'amp' filter. Unresolvable hum! I ran a line from the filter back to the dedicated line and the hum went away. ... 
Wood or metal racks-Which do you prefer and why?
What you use to the best advantage probably depends as much on your belief system as anything. There are theories about which might be more attractive to you which will take you in a different direction.My personal concerns considering components ... 
Tube rings for power tubes?
FWIW, I'm with Nsgarch's posts re his actual experiences and the requirements of power tubes, although I've never used Herbies and my power tubes were all common pentodes. No microphonic problems to solve in the first place. 
Speaker placement..
As I interpert what you are saying when you mention integrating bass and that the sound is flat unless you're right on the back wall is that you are complaining about (a lack of) the fullness of the bass, a sense of warmness. Might that be correct... 
Anybody still using soft rubber isolation devices?
Far as I'm concerned the principal use for sorbothane type isolation product (or any other soft materiels, depending of the frequencies you need to damp) is the need for your component to be isolated by frequencies thru the floors or component sup... 
New Tubes- Need Burn-In?
Change the small tubes from the right channel to the left channel and vis a versa. If the popping changes channels you've sourced your problem and potential solution. IME your complaint is typical of small tube deterioration. If that doesn't work ... 
Review: Raysonic 128 CDP CD Player
Hi Groberts3 Wish I had an easy answer to your question - so much on your end results depends on the rest of your system that its hard to predict how any one piece of equipment will actually interface with your other components.FWIW I just listene... 
Any opinions on retubeing W/winged c or mullard re
Bob, I tend to agree with your comments regarding the sonic's of the SED's and the Tesla's, both the JJ's and the pre-JJ's. The E34L also has a bit more energy and requires a bit more bias. I find the E34L's to be very sparkly (maybe a bit more th... 
Any opinions on retubeing W/winged c or mullard re
Do a search in the Tube Forum in Audio Asylum - you will find a lot of comments about the Mullard re-issues, the SED's, and some comparisions of the two. 
KT88 recom. for quicksilver mini mono's
Marco, Mesa Baron Tri Tube mod was 6L6, EL 34, and ?. I was under the impression that it limited to KT types, not 6550's. I thought the tri tube mod in the Mesa Baron was 6l6's, EL34's and KT88's. I was not aware that it would also take 6550's. I ... 
KT88 recom. for quicksilver mini mono's
Tvad, FWIW, in three different amps, each of the 6550's and KT88's (both SED's) had the same sonic signature, albeit the overall sonic preference was different because of the design of the amps (Cary, Sonic Frontiers, & Primaluna). The KT88's ... 
KT88 recom. for quicksilver mini mono's
Jax2, Got to wonder what you mean by "tubey 6550 approach"? In compared to KT90's yes, but in comparison to KT88's? I would think the KT88's, at least the ones I have heard, have all sounded warmer, more sparkly, and less linear than 6550's. Did y... 
Tube Intergrated v separates 4k can they compare
If you want life to continue to be simple get an integrated tube amp, one that you have heard connected to your speakers if at all possible. Fewer decisions to be made down the road re tubes, less angst etc.Conversly if you like to fiddle, if thin... 
Placement of dual subwoofers...
Then you should be able to put those puppies anywhere they will give you the flattest overall bass response, assuming that is your goal. FWIW I like the idea Duke raised about the Geddes technique and I would try that first. Do you have an SPL met...